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"No I won't do this."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad!"

"Yes it's bad!"

"Thayne get your butt out here!"

I skate back to the side of the rink to grab Thayne's hand and drag him out onto the ice. He already had skates on, so he's only one step away.

Thayne backs away and waves his hands at me "No no no, I'm fine out here!"

I stem my hands onto my hips and raise my brows at him.

It takes me nearly a minute of staring at him like this to get him to budge. Thayne moves towards the edge of the rink with a sigh.

I grin in satisfaction and take his hands into mine and lead him out onto the ice slowly, me skating backwards.

Thayne's eyes keep shooting towards our feet, but I always say "Thayne, look at me." And he does.

We go like this for a lap around the rink, before I finally let go of his hands, much to his dismay, as he already goes "No no no no no no no Y/N!"

He flails around with his arms, but catches himself seconds before he could fall, much to my amusement. I laugh at him, which earns me a pout from Thayne.

I finally skate back to him and take his hands in mine again.

"Dance with me."

Thayne looks confused, but I solely continue to skate around the rink, holding his hands in mine. Every once in a while I stop us and only hold one hand of his to spin out and spin back into his arms, his chest pressed against my back, before I spin back out a little to take both of his hands back into mine and to continue moving.

His eyes never leave my face. He started to blend out everything else that was around us, solely focusing on me and moving like he wasn't standing on skates and on ice.

After a while of our ridiculous rendition of a dance, I just stop spinning out and remain standing in front of him, my back pressed against his chest, his arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand holding mine.

We stay like this in silence and I close my eyes, enjoying the moment.

Thayne leans his head down and buries his face in my hair, obviously enjoying the moment just as much as I am.

Minutes pass and it seems like forever, when Thayne finally, quietly speaks up "Listen, Y/N, I..."

I turn around in his arms and look up at him, curious.

"Am I too old?"

Thayne's question takes me aback a little and I frown "Why would you ask that?"

"Am I too old for you?", Thayne then asks and I pause, thinking. What kind of question is this? Where does he want to go with this?

I tilt my head slightly as I look up at him and say "Why would I think you're too old to be my friend?"

Thayne watches me in silence for a couple of seconds, before he shrugs and goes "It's just a thought that crossed my mind. I mean, I'm fourteen years older than you."


Apparently my nonchalance relieves him. I wonder why, but then again, I don't want to press him.

Thayne leans his forehead against mine and I close my eyes. I take in the moment and enjoy it. We barely find moments like these for ourselves, so every moment is a treasure.

"Y/N," Thayne whispers and I open my eyes to glance up at him. He's watching me with a certain something glimpsing in his eyes – something I can't put my finger on. But it makes him look adorable.

I hum a response and watch as Thayne slowly starts to lean in.

My eyes slowly droop closed the closer our lips get.

And then.

"Y/N, let's start by going through your...oh..."


Thayne and I immediately let go of each other and in all haste, Thayne stumbles and lands on his butt, making me laugh. My cheeks are burning. I can't believe this almost happened.

I can't believe Sarah's playing the wall game now.

Sarah is known to be good at cockblocking. Megan and I realized that a long time ago.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company," Sarah says and a mischievous smirk tugs at her lips as I help Thayne stand and skate to the side of the rink with him.

Thayne stumbles off ice and to the bench to get out of his skates, while I say "Don't worry, I think Thayne had to leave anyway."

One glance at Thayne tells me he's just as flustered as I am, which is relieving. To know you're not the only one who feels caught. Well, technically we were almost caught red handed, but that's not the point.

Thayne takes off his skates, while Sarah ushers me to skate a couple of rounds around the rink to warm up, before she puts on my short program music.

As I skate to the music, going through my elements, I know that Thayne is standing beside Sarah, watching and waiting. Waiting to say goodbye to me, probably.

I'm at the last jump, when I lose balance and come crashing down. In an instant I go to stand up again, continue to follow the routine, only to get off balance again the moment I stand and flop back down onto the ice.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Not now. Anything, but not now.

Sarah stops the music. I try to stand up again and succeed. Sarah and Thayne are already shuffling across the ice towards me, concern on their faces. More on Thayne's than on Sarah's, but that's because he knows.

"Go back, I can continue the routine," I say and shake out my arms and legs. I'm surprised I find balance on my hurt leg, but that's better than failing when I just told Sarah I can continue.

Her stern but worried gaze though tells me otherwise.

"No. Off the ice. I want to see your knee."

If I wasn't pale already, I'm definitely going pale now. No. She can't see my knee. If she sees the tape she'll know what's up and she'll force me to withdraw from the Final. No. I can't risk that.

"I'm serious, Sarah, I can go on," I try but her face tells me I've got no chance.

"Y/N, please," Thayne now speaks up and I turn my gaze to him. The worry and concern in his eyes breaks my heart just a little.

Finally I sigh before I push myself off and skate to the side, slowly, so that Thayne and Sarah can keep up.

Stick To The Stuff You Know || Thayne Jasperson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now