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I want to take a moment before we start this chapter. I planned to update a lot earlier but last Thursday something happened that left me and the figure skating world heartbroken.

On July 19th Denis Ten from Kazakhstan was stabbed in his hometown Almaty and ultimately lost too much blood which led to his death.

He was only 25. He didn't deserve this.

Rest In Peace Denis Ten 🇰🇿

"So...who was that yesterday?"

I look up from my cereal and raise a brow at Javier.

"What do you mean?"

Javier shoots me a look that just asks me if I'm stupid, when I realize what he meant. He meant my call with Thayne.

"That was just Thayne," I shrug and move my focus back into my breakfast at 2 pm. Javier just got back from practice to get me, only to be burdened with waking me up and making me eat something before coming to the rink with him.

"And who is just Thayne?", Javier raises a brow at me and watches me intently.

"Thayne is...", I pause and think. What is Thayne to me?

Javier sits down opposite of me and props his chin up on his hand, waiting patiently for me to answer. I think he can tell that I don't know what to answer, when he says "You don't have to answer that. Stupid question, I know."

He smiles softly and I can't help the slight blush.

Javier chuckles and changes the subject "Jun-hwan looked quite tired at practice this morning."

I laugh "Come on, we got back from Korea just yesterday, you can obviously see what my jet-lag did to me. How can he possibly stand on the ice this morning? Didn't he fall asleep?"

Javier shrugged "He looked quite energetic when Brian asked me to get you. It seems to me that he can't wait to start practicing with you."

I smile softly and fiddle with my hands "I won't be such a good help for now though...all I can do now is mimic what I would do if I could walk properly and use rough sketches."

"Nevertheless," Javier interrupts me before I could go even further and grabs my hands to stop my fidgeting, "He's excited to no end to get to work with you in the future. He knows you're starting small on this to figure out if you two can work together perfectly, but you should have seen the boy! His entire face lit up when Brian mentioned your name. If that isn't excitement then I don't know what is."

I grin at his attempts to cheer me up and motivate me to get out of the house faster.

"If I were you, I'd get ready real quick and head out to the rink," Javier squeezes my hands and grins cheekily.

"I would do that, but for that, I propose that you let go of my hands. I'm not sure if I can get changed when you're holding onto me," I reply, to which Javier's grin broadens "I don't mind holding onto you while you change."

I don't think there's a name for the shade of red my face is turning now as I kick his leg under the table.

Javier laughs in return and let's go of my hands, taking my abandoned bowl to the sink while I grab my crutches and head to his bedroom.

Javier had allowed me to stay in his room until I should settle things and stay in Toronto for sure.

I don't take as long to change as I used to after my knee surgery, since I'm now used to it, but it's still bothersome.

Not much longer and I'm rid of these crutches.

Javier lives close to the rink so we walk there. And motion is good for me anyways, so I don't mind. Even though it's cold as hell.

As we walk we talk about nonsense, going from 'why is the sky blue' to 'who loves pizza more'. Nonsense, really.

When the rink comes in sight, Javier stops and facepalms himself.

"What did you forget?"

"I forgot my phone."

I sigh and shake my head at him. What a genius.

"You go ahead, I'll be right there," Javier says and I huff a laugh "I definitely wouldn't have waited in the cold. I want to see my excited new son."

Javier loses all expression for a moment and gives me a blank stare, resulting in me actually bursting into laughter "Just go."

And with that I leave him behind and head to the rink.

When I arrive, Yuzuru and Jun-hwan were on the ice already, both going through their individual practice.

I lean against the railing beside Brian and watch them, smiling as they joke now and then when they accidentally bump into each other.

"Where's Javier?", Brian asks without looking at my, patting my shoulder as an acknowledgement.

"He forgot something at home and told me to not wait for him. I told him I wouldn't dream of waiting on him in this weather."

Brian laughs and with that pulls the attention of my favorite two skaters over to us.

Yuzuru and Jun-hwan shoot each other a look and something that Yuzuru mentions makes Jun-hwan avert his eyes and push him a little, resulting in Jun-hwan being pushed back further than Yuzuru. The older one laughs at his futile attempts of making him suffer.

I shake my head at those two, a wide grin on my face.

When they finally skate over, I greet both of them with a hug and ruffle their hair. I get a look in return that does not approve, making me laugh.

"Someone told me that you're excited to start working with me," I grin at Jun-hwan, who blushes at my remark and scratches the back of his neck "I really am, n..."

He got quieter by the end of the sentence so I don't think I heard him right. But a look at Yuzuru, grinning brightly, confirms my thoughts, and my heart swells at Jun-hwan's adorableness.

He called me noona, a Korean honorific young men use to call women that are older than them. And that he used it with me makes me happy beyond belief.

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