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Thayne stayed with us in Toronto for about a week, until he had to go back to New York.

To say I was sad was a complete understatement.

I felt like something was being ripped from me, even though we didn't live that far away from each other. It's not like there was an ocean parting us. Only a few 472 miles.

During breakfast in our apartment, Thayne and I held hands under the table. Yuzuru and Jun-hwan of course noticed, but only smiled at each other and said nothing.

After that, the boys left for practice and let me spend some more time with Thayne on my own, on our way to the airport.

I didn't like this, not after we finally seemed to have found each other. We still haven't openly approached this subject towards the other, but I knew I had to do this today. Now or never.

As Thayne and I walked through the busy airport crowd towards his gate, we kept holding each other's hands and enjoyed the silence in that little bubble of ours, blending out the crowd.

When his gate came in sight, I slowly came to a stop, sighing lowly to myself. I don't want to let him go.

Thayne turned to me with a small frown "You okay?"

I averted my gaze and shrugged slightly.

Thayne then proceeded to pull me over to the side, taking both of my hands in his and looking down at me with concern filling his eyes "What's wrong?"

I chew on my lower lip for a moment, thinking of how I should phrase this question, before I blurt out "What are we?"

Thayne watches me, a little taken aback by the sudden outburst, before he starts giggling and tilts his head back slightly, to which my eyes drift to his exposed throat, then up to his eyes, which slowly lower to meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I should've laughed at this. I actually wanted to ask you the same thing, just phrased a little differently," Thayne grins and I blush in embarrassment, lips opening into an "Oh."

"I wanted to phrase it something like this: Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

My face is burning by now and I nod a little, smiling softly as I mumble "I'd like that."

Thayne grins even brighter and I think I might go blind at his radiant smile.

Then he lays a hand on my cheek and leans down to plant a soft, loving kiss on my lips.

I respond to his action with wrapping an arm around his neck, the other around his back, deepening the kiss as his other arm wraps itself around my waist and pulls me closer into him.

We remain like this for multiple moments, not wanting to part from the other, until our need for air forces us to do so. From then on, we lie in each others arms, savoring this moment, as we don't know when we'll be seeing each other again.

Soon his flight is called up and we have no other choice but to part from each other.

Thayne plants one last kiss onto my lips, before he mumbles against them "I love you."

I don't have time to respond, as he then already turned around and rushed off to his gate, leaving me behind, gaping like a fish.

He said "I love you."


"Thayne got some!"

Thayne frowns as he was met with those yells the moment he entered the Richard Rodgers Theatre.

"Fucking finally!", Carleigh screeched as she threw something at Thayne, who was too late to duck and was hit in the face with what he realized was someone's coat.

"Why did neither of you tell me?!", she yelled, looking crazy like a madwoman, which actually frightened Thayne.

"What do you mean?", he asked confused, frowning at the gathered cast, all of which were keeping a secure distance from Carleigh, who looked ready to murder someone.

"Don't act innocent! Why didn't either of you tell me you were dating?!"

Thayne grows a little paler at her words and his frown deepens "Seriously, Carleigh, what are you talking about?"

"Haven't you checked your phone? You and Y/N are all over the net! Kissing!"

Now Thayne actually looks like he's seen a ghost. He and Y/N were far from ready to be dating publicly with everyone now watching their steps. Of course, it was partially their fault for kissing so open in public, at the airport with hundreds of people around to see and recognize them, but still.

"You didn't know," Lin states matter of factly and Thayne nods slowly, now slightly frightened to check his phone, because he had an idea what the main line of an article about them could be.

And he was right.

Actor Thayne Jasperson (35) and figure skater Y/N Rippon (22) dating! 

- But aren't thirteen years already too much? -

y'all this will be a fun ride

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