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I posted  chapter 34 before this one (yes, double update, wohoo) and I don't know if it's gone out or if the notification was sent at all so please check that out before continuing here, thx

also, I'm again sorry that this book is such a mess right now, I swear it will get better

I think my heart stopped.

1. I never heard Yuzuru curse before.

2. I was kissing Javier.

I pushed him away as quick as I could and ripped the blindfold off my head, staring at the Spanish man before me with shock written all over my face.

I just kissed Javier.

He just kissed me.

I took a few seconds to calm from the shock, finally turning my attention towards the side of the rink, where Yuzuru and Jun-hwan stood, together with...


My voice was barely above a whisper as my eyes settle on him and now my heart truly skipped a beat or two, maybe even three.

On one hand, millions of sorrows flooded my mind. He saw the kiss. He saw me smiling like I knew it was Javier, like I knew it only could've been him.

On the other hand, Yuzuru had asked what the hell Javier was doing, so Thayne might know this wasn't supposed to happen. Maybe.

I push myself up off the chair and past Javier, not sparing him another glance, as I make my way towards the edge, wanting to get off the ice and to the only person that had my mind in his clutches right now.


Emotions overwhelmed me right now, so I couldn't quite explain why I was now standing in front of Thayne with tears burning in my eyes.

Jun-hwan and Yuzuru moved aside to leave us some personal space.

"Thayne, I-," I began, but Thayne shook his head with a soft smile "Don't worry. I know."

"You know?", I breathed and he nodded, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear "I know that that wasn't supposed to happen."

"You...you're not mad?"

Thayne let out a soft chuckle and rested his hand against my cheek "Why would I?"

He smiles when I lean into his touch and I can't help the slight blush that tinges my cheeks a faint red. Something turns in my stomach, but it's something good. It's got to be something good when it's with Thayne.

"Thayne...", I mumble, my cheeks turning darker as a thought crossed my mind.

"Y/N?", he replies and the sound of my name rolling off his tongue really ends me.

"Can I kiss you?", I ask, so quiet it's a whisper, but he hears me. My cheeks are practically burning right now. 

Thayne looks at me for a moment in silence, as if he's thinking over what to say to me, and a fear of being declined actually starts to grow in my heart, before he starts to smile and replies "Do you truly think you've got to ask?"

I immediately grow even more flustered and try to search for words, his laugh cutting me off before I can even try to speak.

Then he grins at me devilishly, as if to say 'You want it? Come get it!'

And so I do, I take my courage together and grab the collar of his jacket to pull him down to me, meeting his lips with mine.

And boy, did that send the butterflies soaring.

It's somewhat like a déjà vu, but somehow something completely new.

It's sending me to heaven and back.

It's making me the happiest person on earth.

And I wish this moment will last for eternity.

But as that's a wish that I could never have fulfilled, Thayne and I part for air, him leaning his forehead against mine, the both of us smiling brightly at each other.

"Happy birthday, Y/N," Thayne hums, closing his eyes as he wraps his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face in the crook of his neck, breaking the forehead contact, but finding myself a comfortable place in return.

Thayne buries his nose in my hair as I hum a "Thank you," in response.

This truly feels too good to be real.

But it's real. He's really here, standing in front of me, holding me close to him and not intending to let me go anytime soon.

And I think that this is the moment my heart actually realizes for good what it wants and who it wants to belong to.

And I don't mind one bit. Because he makes me the happiest I've ever been and I don't want to give that up.

Then again, I'd never hear the end of it if I did.

luv y'all

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