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I had a week time to think about Brian's offer.

The South Korean Championships went quite well for Jun-hwan, him placing third.

The gala passed and today is the day where the skaters who didn't live in Seoul would head home, meaning that Brian and Jun-hwan would be flying back to Canada.

As I sat beside Jun-hwan in the plane, his head leaned against my shoulder carefully as he fell asleep just a minute after the plane took off, I let my thoughts wander.

We wouldn't announce to the public that I'll start to work as Jun-hwan's choreographer. We want to see how this works out first before publicly announcing it. After all, I've never worked as a choreographer for someone other than Adam before, I've got no idea how this will turn out.

Yuna was sad to see me go, but then again happy that I would have something to do instead of sitting around and being depressed. She said that working with Brian again and helping Jun-hwan will free my mind for a while.

I haven't told Adam yet that I'll be returning to Canada. I bet he'll be happy to hear that I'm working with Brian.

I also haven't told Thayne that I'll be returning. Of course, Toronto is a while away from New York, but we're still a lot closer than we were before.

Am I a horrible person for leaving the man I love behind like that?

Did I seriously just think that?

I'm crazy.

I must be going crazy.

I shake my head slightly and sigh lowly, trying to shove those thoughts away. I should try to get some sleep.

When we arrive at the airport in Toronto, I'm glad to finally be able to use my legs again. I forgot how many hours we flew but it's definitely way too long.

Little Jun-hwan looks adorable as he sleepily gathers his bags and waits for Brian and my bags to arrive. This boy is too precious for this world. I swear.

When we got our bags we walked out the airport together, when a voice called out my name.

A voice I knew too well.


I froze in my footsteps and turned around.

And there he is.

Running towards me full speed.

I gasp for air as Javier Fernandez crashes into me.

Out of all people, why did it have to be him?

Brian laughs at Javier's antics while poor Jun-hwan probably had a heart attack from my bag toppling over together with me.

Wow, this ass actually knocked me off my feet.

Javier pulled away from the hug and grins brightly at me "How've you been?"


Javier laughs and gets up, taking my hands in his to pull me up. Ass.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Javier. He's a good friend. But right now I'm too exhausted to handle his hyperactive nature.

Javier wraps an arm around my shoulders and says "I heard you're staying at my place?"

Brian suddenly starts whistling innocently, laying a hand on Jun-hwan's shoulder to get him to move along.

"I pray to the gods every day," no I don't, "and this is the thanks I get?"

Javier pouts and grabs my bag "I don't see the problem."

"Because you are the problem," is my response and I walk beside him as he leads me to his car.

"I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now."

I laugh at that and pinch Javier's side "Come on you big baby, no need to cry that much."

"But you emotionally and now physically hurt me, I'm allowed to cry," Javier pouts and I snicker, pinching his side again as a sign of protest.

"Now that really hurt. You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"I always sleep on the couch when I'm over."

"No, I actually wanted to offer you my bed because I was feeling gracious but now that's over, you missed your chance."

I gasp "No way!"

Javier Fernandez never offers his bed to his friends who stay over. Never.

Maybe I've got the cripple bonus in my pockets, but I don't care. I'm getting that bed, one way or another.

"Oh great Javier, what do I need to do to get into your good graces again?", I ask and actually try to give him my best puppy dog eyes.

Javier frowns at me for a while, thinking of what to do, until he starts to grin mischievously. Just as he opens his mouth to answer, my phone starts ringing the stupidest tone I've ever heard. Then again, I've set the stupidest alarm I could find to start ringing should Carleigh call me.

"I really need to get that," I excuse myself and seconds later have Carleigh whispering "Good morning Y/N, I'm sorry if I woke you."

Looking at the sky I can pretty well tell it's late in the evening but okay.

"Good evening to you too, Carleigh," I say, stifling a laugh, but why would that go past her?

"Okay, something is up, I can sense it. Why did you say good evening?", Carleigh asks "You wouldn't say that unless...no way. You're back?!"

She almost screams the last two words so I have to hold my phone far away from my ear.

Then I quickly pull my phone back and say "Carleigh, don't you dare go running off and telling everyone I'm back. I'm not back, at least not really. I'm in Toronto. I took up a job offered by my old coach."

Theres silence from the other end of the line. When a response finally comes, I think I actually stop breathing.

"You're in Toronto?"

The betrayal and hurt in Thayne's voice as I hear him say those three words is enough to shatter my heart into pieces.

side note: jun-hwan is a precious 14year old bean at this time (we in the beginning 2016), javier is 24 and Reader still is 21 just to get the age stuff clear

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