Meet the Next Generation!

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Anna Banana here. I am planning on fixing up this first story of 'the next generation,' fanfiction series.  for it is old, and could be drastically shorten, edited, and all that jazz. I had some big plans for this story, such as writing about 4 to six 'books' I suppose you could say, and a few side stories about different characters.
When I will update story one: this is tough since there is a lot going on right now for me, so it will more than likely be sometime next year during the break. I may organize a plan for this editing process during th winter or spring break.
When I will update book 2: this one is on hold till summer of 2021 100%.  I am working on shortening my outline of book 2 so it meshes with what I have going on in book 3, since there are too many useless fillers I had outlined.
Anyway, those who are just starting, enjoy and beware this is still my original version. It has a plot, twists and turns, and questions to be answered... Just a lot if random fillers that I don't think we're necessary, or could be placed more accordingly. May the world if Shadowhunters never end!! ;)


Lydia Celine Herondale (lightwood)- strong, one of the best fighters among the children Shadowhunters. Willing to sacrifice herself for someone else's benevolence, but thinks before making the decision. Very stubborn. Major bookworm and has her mother's geekness...but a lot more. Imagine Jace as a girl... that is what Livia looks like; Medium length golden hair, her father's face shape, his smile ... but she has her mother's green eyes,and can heal others. 15 years of age. 

Jade and Lydia are Twins.... born in March.

Jade Tessa Herondale (lightwood)- Tough at heart...not the greatest fighter, more of the artist (geek). Funny, kind, willing to sacrifice herself to save someone she loves, even on her own. Doesn't think before acting. Makes long speeches. Very independent, only stubborn when she feels that in the situation she has to fight against it alone. Has a very unique look... Her mother's small body, face shape, and her red hair. has her father's point of mind and smile...along with a little bit of his starcasm. Oh, and Father's golden brown eyes. 15 years of age. Can make runes without a stele, and like her mom, she can create new runes.

Jake Gabriel Lovelace- Strong physically. Has a big heart. Super fun, though kinda clingy. Likes to play games with his brother Derek. Enjoys fighting in the training room, Has a thing for collecting weapons. Shh... don't tell Isabelle. Shadowhunter\Vampire. Grandpas blue eyes, mom's dark hair, his father's face shape. More of Isabelle's personality...hard to tell when he's only eleven.

Darek Gideon Lovelace- Very caring. Loves deeply. Always wants the people he loves to be safe. Great at sports, very fast runner..... Nerdy, kinda on the weird side. Has his father's great knowledge on how to work situations. Sacrifices himself for others, no matter how many times they say no. Vampire\ Shadowhunter. Mother's face shape, dark brown hair and eye's. Simon's smile. 16 years of age.

Just so you know..... There are deffinently more characters for our next generation (including Max and Rafael Lightwood Bane.)  If you like, we will send you their amazing traits in chapter 17. (yes, you can skip their to see it, their will be no spoilers in their descriptions)   Anna out *drops the mic* 

The Next Generation (A TMI Story) COMPLETED- But May Be RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now