Chapter 7 Yay, wait- not yay...

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•Tarni's POV•

It was breakfast time and I was hungry. I looked around, making sure everyone was asleep, but of cause, Laura231 was awake... "Tarni... What in the nether are you doing?" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

I sighed dramaticly. "I was just gonna craft something..." I lied. Laura got out of bed and came over to mine. "And what are you crafting? It better not be a cake because I know you know how to make a cake!" She whispered loudly.

"What is the problem with crafting a stupid cake?" I retorted. "They make you go insane! That is probably the reason you are the craziest out of us four!" Laura looked in the direction of the my crafting table and walked up to it.

I pretended to get upset, although I don't even care about crafting, since I don't even know how to craft a fricken pickaxe. All I wanted to do was- "What the- why is there a blaze rod here?"

Laura picked up a blaze rod outta my chest. I yelped and jumped out of bed. I quickly ran over and snatched the blaze rod back.

"Hehe, don't pay any attention to my second special stick!" I put the blaze rod back in my chest and locked it. A groaning sound came over from Ashy's bed and I turned to look at her.

She was very restless in her sleep, turning over repeatedly and opening her mouth to say something, but said nothing. What in the world is she dreaming about?

Jetash sat up from her bed, looking around sleepily. "What is all the loudness about?" She mumbled. Laura walked over to her chest and got out an apple. "Nothing much," She mumbled with her mouth full.

I thought about what I was gonna do this morning... May as well do it when nobody was around.

I unlocked my chest and took out a cake secretly. I placed it down and stuffed a bit in my mouth. It was the best thing ever!!

A shiny thing caught my eye from part of the mountain and I stopped eating. Was that what I thought it was? I leaped up and ran over to the sparkly thing, examining it, two times just to make sure.

"Butter! I've found butter!" I ran over to Jetash's chest and pulled out an iron pickaxe. She won't mind me using it, we are bros! Anyway, Jetash was still half in dream land and she won't even remember me taking it to borrow and Laura is to into munching her apple.

I got to the ore and swung the pickaxe. One thing I learnt from Laura is that you mine swinging the pickaxe, not eating it. I obtained the ore and jumped for joy, holding the shiny diamond in my hand.

Wait- diamond? I wanted butter- not a diamond! I threw the diamond to the ground and sat a few paces away from it. Laura finished eating her apple and turned to look at me. "What is all the happy atmosphere coming from over there," she asked.

I glared at her. "I'm not happy! I found a stupid diamond! I wanted shiny gold!" Jetash looked at me, still half asleep. "Diamonds? You found a diamond?" She rubbing her eyes and looked at me, finally awake.

"Pfft, yeah..." I picked it back up and threw it at Jetash, showing her. It got her right in the face, throwing her back. "Dude! What the nether!" She picked it up and threw it back. I caught it with skill.

Laura just watched us, sighing slightly as she turned to look at the ground. Shards from the pickaxe scattered the ground. I still didn't notice though.

Finally, after throwing a diamond at each other's faces for a while, we stop and Ash finally awakens from her slumber. She yawns and gets up, rummaging through her chest, most probably for food.

I was the last with the diamond and I kept it, I mean really, finders keepers! Ash walked over to me and bent down, picking up the shards of the pickaxe. I stare down at Ash's hands, watching in horror as she picks up the last thing I might see...

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