Chapter 11 The Blaze, The Parkour and The Girl

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•Tarni's POV•

"Ooh... Nether!" I walk closer to the nether portal, watching the purple stuff go in circles...

"This is hypnotising..." I continued, staring into the nether portal. Jetash comes forward and joins me, we both stare at the portal. Laura comes as well.

But, of cause, Rex comes along and breaks this up. "C'mon! Let's explore it!" He smiles. Ash agrees and jumps into the portal, Rex close behind. I went last, leaving Jetash and Laura to go before me.

Then, just before I jumped in, I noticed a glass window looking outside. I walk towards it and look at the outside that is above us. Boo, Rainbow, Fluffy and Flappy were all out the front, Fluffy was hunting down Flappy.

Boo and Rainbow were floating in the air, Rainbow on top of Boo. I smiled and went back to the portal, jumping through. A purple thing enveloped me and a was swallowed inside purplness.

I opened my eyes, noticing that I had closed them. What I saw was breathtaking. Huge white thing flew across the place slowly and fire and lava surrounded us. "Welcome to the nether..." Ash muttered.

I think is isn't a nice place to be... A white thing, a thing similar to Boo, fired a fire ball at us. Laura got her sword out and hit it back at it. The Ghast screamed as the fire ball hit it and the Ghast melted away.

I felt sad for the Ghast. Just before it melted, it screamed. "Wow..." A scream echoed through the nether and we all tensed. "That's that girl in my dream!" Ash yelled. And that meant we save her...

Another fire ball was shot out of no where and came at us. Laura then got out a bow and shot it at the fire ball. It exploded into pieces. "Run towards that!" Jetash pointed at an random iron door inside a wall (okay, that was described badly).

We didn't care where it came from, we just saw it and ran. Another fire ball came towards the five of them, but it landed right beside them.

The heat seemed to be getting to us, we all didn't run as fast, but we tried. I was getting tired and I could tell that so was everyone else.

At last, we got to the iron door and opened it with a button. We all ran in, the Ghast couldn't follow cause it was fat. Okay, now I am wondering why there is an iron door here.

Another scream echoed the nether, making me tense. Rex closed his eyes and listened. I let him, he is our sorcerer and he shall help us!

"The screams are coming from that way!" He pointed at the right hall. Everyone ran towards that, but I stopped. There was a left hall as well. Did Rex choose the right passage way?

I start to think about the cliff. A ton of random stuff have happened in this last week. I think back to almost starting to climb down the cliff once we got to the top.

Boo was screaming something in the morning about Fluffy and Flappy. What the nether did he mean? They both were fine before they left. Were they now?

•Jetash's POV•

I ran along with the group, Tarni behind us all, as normal. Rex took the lead as we all ran. The screams got louder and I knew we chose the right hall. I had thoughts about wether we should trust this guy or not, but now I know that he is trustworthy.

"In this room, but how do we get there?" We all stopped at an iron door. Rex walked up to it and started looking around. "No button... No pressure plate or lever..." He exclaimed.

"Ladders!" Laura pointed up a ladder. I gulped. I knew what that might mean. Laura made these for us before we got the exploding pigs and note.

"Hardcore Parkour!" Laura yelled in excitement. A huge parkour map thing was ahead of us, nether rack floating in the air for us to jump too. "Don't be too happy, look!" I pointed below us. Swirling lava bubbled below.

Ash turned around. "So! I feel like eating nether rack, what about you?" She mumbled. We all ignored her... I did feel like eating nether rack, but I know she is just trying to lead us away.

A huge explosion came from behind us all and we turn around. A blaze had wondered up the ladder and was blazing... "PARKOUR!!" Laura screamed and jumped at the nether rack. She jumped from nether rack to another in a few huge leaps.

She reached the end, but kept on running. Ash followed Laura in the parkour (slipping a few times, great job) and eventually reached the end. Rex was next, but the blaze had started throwing fire balls again.

I went after Rex, but just as I passed the first nether rack parkour thing, the blaze blew it up. Rex and I reached the end of the parkour (again more slipping, anyone would know that) and then we all realise that Tarni couldn't make it.

"Wahh! No! Stay back!" Tarni swung an iron sword at the blaze, not even touching it. Laura seemed to have returned and got out her iron sword. "Noh! You can't get across!" Ash pulled Laura back.

Tarni was pinned in a corner, the blaze ready to throw another fire ball, when Tarni struck her sword at the blaze. It hit it in the head, killing it. The blaze disappeared, dropping blaze rod.

Tarni picked it up, placing it in her inventory. "Yay!" She jumps around. I was quiet surprised, Tarni never normally did stuff like slaying monsters. "Now, how are we meant to get her across?" Ash asked.

Great question... "Omg! HARDCORE HARDCORE PARKOUR!" Tarni laughed hysterically. She was seriously turning insane.

She jumped, gliding through the air, until landing perfectly on the nether rack far from the starting blocks. We all watched as Tarni skilfully parkoured her way through the nether.

"I have a super power!" She laughed again. Okay, one question... Was she once a queen? "Tarni is a parkour master!" Laura joined Tarni in their jumping for joy.

Another scream disrupted them from happiness. "That girl!" Rex leapt up. "C'mon then, no more happiness and more serious!" Laura sighed. They all started running again, the voice becoming closer and closer, until they entered a large room.

"HAHAHA! Yes!" Tarni ran around the room like a bat. What has gotten into her? "There she is!" Ash pointed at a girl in a derp yellow hoodie against a wall. "That's the girl in my dream!" I ran up to her, Ash standing back. The girl stopped screaming, tears formed around her eyes.

"Are you real?" She finally choked out. I nodded. "We have come to rescue you, are you Bonesneneh05?" I ask. The girl stares at me a little longer. "Yeah... I think I am anyway..." The girl goes into deep thoughts.

Then, she stopped thinking... She turned to something in front of her and started to scream again. I turned around, a huge black thing with three heads was coming at us, a Ghast behind it.

The three headed creature shot out a black thing and it went straight towards us two. Neneh struggled and I noticed she was tied up to the wall. I went to untie her and succeeded, but I was about to untie the next when the black thing hit me and the world faded into black...


I just wanna say something about Minecraft... The leash that is in Minecraft, somehow reminds me of a snake, so whenever I have an anvil and a leash... I have the urge to rename the leash snake...

Okay... I don't know why I had to say that, but I needed to, for I am the random Tarni...

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I shall see you in the next chapter, Chapter 12 Bonesneneh05, The Builder

The Minecraft Adventures Of Jetash And Tarni Go RoarWhere stories live. Discover now