Chapter 8 The Black Cough

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•Jetashs POV•

It still was day and we still all felt restless, of cause except Tarni, she was sleeping peacefully in her bed... After all the songs Ash had to put into the jukebox to calm her down.

Ash finally fully explained her nether dream to us, which I somehow didn't understand... I don't know how I didn't understand. The sun finally started to disappear behind the horizon of blocks so we all decided to light up the fire more and well... Talk.

"Oh! I have a few tips about fighting Herobrine!" Ash yelled, jumping to her feet. "Ok, hrm, Herobrine can teleport places, as you guys might already know, so try to stop that by tying him up! He can't teleport if he is tied up!" I nodded my head.

"Ok! Another ting is, be careful of his sword. It is diamond with bad abilitys! If you are slashed once with it, you are dead! If not, you are poisoned, blinded, nausea, wither and weakness! THAT SWORD IS A DEMON!!" Ash had her eyes wide and her mouth open like she has gone insane. That's what I think.

"Anyway... One more thing you should know! His weakness is wat-" a figure started to appear from behind Ash, making me and Laura freeze. Ash noticed our scared faces and turned around. The figure had something glowing on its face, and that was when I realised who it was.

"Ash! Look out! It's Herobrine!" I ran at Ash, slamming into her just at the right time to had his sword swing inches away from my head. I gasped as I landed on the ground with Ash underneath me, Herobrine just above us.

He lifted his sword to attack us, but Laura was faster. She got out her iron sword and swung it just in front of Herobrines, making his sword stop just in front of my face, again.

I rolled over, Ash following as Laura and Herobrine have a sword fight. Herobrine struck his sword at Laura's body, but she was fast enough to jump out of the way and kick him in the back, pushing him over the edge of the cliff.

Herobrine struck out his hand fast enough to grab hold of the cliff. I stood up and looked over him as he dangled over the cliff we had just climbed. "Just because we are girls, doesn't mean we don't play rough!" I laughed.

Herobrine seemed to dislike that. He got his other hand and held on to my foot, making me shriek. Laura and Ash screamed to me as Herobrine let go of the cliff and fell. Dragging me down with him. We both fell down the hard climbed cliff, until Herobrine, of cause teleported away.

I fell down further and further, the wind slapping my hair against my face. I let it happen. I'll let myself die just once...

•Laura's POV•

I watched as Herobrine and Jetash fell down the cliff, just before Herobrine teleported away to save his own hind. "No... Argh! Now that makes me wanna kick his ass so hard!" I yelled.

Ash placed her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. She still has two lives left, doesn't she?" A coughing sound came from Tarni's bed and we both turned around. Tarni was sitting up, watching with wide eyes at us both. "J-Jetash?" She mumbled.

I ran over, "don't worry! She will be okay-" a grey thing appeared across the cliff...

[Jetash] hit the ground too hard

Tarni yelped and jumped out of bed. "No! No..." A fit of coughing interrupted her and she collapsed. Black blood splattered on the ground when she coughed, making me stop dead.

"T-Tarni? What... Is that?" Ash came over to see what was wrong. She didn't see the blood. "What's the fuss?" I pointed at the blood and Ash stumbled back, crashing into Jetash's stuff and falling over.

"No! Stay away from Tarni! That's the worst disease! The Black Cough!" I gasped and backed away. "Is it contagious?" I asked. Ash nodded her head violently. "Very contagious! It's probably the most!"

Tarni looked up with sadness in her eyes. "W-would I die?" She mumbled. Ash was speechless. "It depends on how bad it is," she sighed.

A very very faint yell came from below the cliff. Tarni laid down on the ground, reaching over to her belongings. I looked down the cliff, finding Jetash a lot further down the cliff.

"What the nether are you doing down there?" I shouted out to her. Jetash shrugged. "I had my bed here!" A small yell replied. I turned around and sighed. Another small yell came from below but I couldn't hear it.

When I turned around, I found Tarni on the floor... With her stick. Ash was neatening Jetash's stuff, trying to be quick before Jetash arrived. I helped Tarni back to bed again, being careful that she didn't cough right on me.

After Tarni was half asleep, I went over to help Ash, who had given up on cleaning up. "She'll be here soon... I won't be able to do this in time..." She picked up Jetash's sword, a stone one.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed it off her. "We... Don't... Give up!" I picked up a few more things from Jetash's stuff and packed it into a new chest, as Ash smashed the other one...

It took a while cleaning up Jetash's stuff (maybe if Ash wasn't such a clumsy player we could have done it a little faster) but after a while, until the moon was high in the sky, we had finished and a yell came from the cliff, a closer one then before.

"Almost there! Ahh! No- wait I'm good!" Jetash was making progress.

I decided that Jetash was too slow and I was tired, so I decided to go to bed. I hopped into my bed and closed my eyes. It didn't really work...

Roar! What the nether! I didn't think of that! I wonder if Laura can hear me? Laura, if you can hear me, please say something... That sounds like Tarni!

"Tarni? What are you doing?" I sat up in bed, looking in Tarni's direction. She sat up and stared at me back, eyes wide. "Did- wow!" A fit of coughing interrupted her. At that moment, I coughed.

I covered my mouth, but when I pulled my hands away, I closed my eyes. Please don't let me get the Black Cough! I opened my eyes again and almost screamed. Black blood was on my hands as well...

Laura? Are you okay? Tarni was talking to me in her mind. I stared back at her, fear swallowing me up. Tarni realised what was wrong and gasped. I had caught the Black Cough...


Wah... Laura and Tarni are survivors! Ash and Jetash... Need to be less clumsy. AshleighJade12 SHOUTING OUT!!!!

Read her book, The Muffin Vault, it has me in it! Yay!

And Ashleigh... One question from that book... Why am I everywhere?

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See ya in the next chapter, Chapter 9 Another Player

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