Chapter 9 Another Player

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•Tarni's POV•

It was a cold night, depression hung in the air as Ash tried to brew something. Probably a regeneration potion, but I wouldn't know as I couldn't be bothered to get up.

Laura was in her bed, asleep. Ash had to calm her down after finding out that she also had The Black Cough. Jetash... Well, for all I know she is kinda climbing a cliff that will take her for freaken ever.

I tried once more to have sleep, and after a while, the sensation of sleep washed over me and I opened my eyes, to once more be in the room of dark. Herobrine was standing at that same wall, diamond sword in his hand.

He had tried to kill me, Ash and Jetash. What about my bud Laura? Nope. She is fine. Herobrine slightly turned his head, his pure white eyes meeting mine. "So, how are you coping?" He mumbled.

I ignored him. Why should I listen to a murderer? He turned fully around. Raising his diamond sword. "Jetash... She isn't gonna have a lot of fun once I see her again. Your sister will regret for what she did to me..." Herobrine was talking gibberish again, but his voice still was as cold as ice.

"Why aren't you answering me!?" He yelled at me, stepping foward. "I don't wanna listen to your crap!" I yelled back. He teleported away somewhere, still in the room... I could easily feel his prestance.

I heard the sound of teleportation and he was right behind me. He swung his sword, but I ducked just in time to miss the sword. It needs a name... Oh! Maybe the sword could be called 'The Ass Kicker', because it kicks many asses.

"Queen! Please, just leave me alone and return to where you rightfully belong!" Herobrine screamed at me. I stepped back a little. "Geez! Anger issues much!" I teased. Herobrine didn't move. I examined his emotions... Mostly anger, but regret was also there.

What the nether is happening in his mind? A flash of light surrounded me and I opened my eyes on my bed. Dreams can suck... Badly. I sat up to find Laura and Ash in bed, but another one was with theirs. I sit up higher to see Jetash had finally climbed the wrenched cliff. Good for her -_-

A breeze started blowing on my right, but it didn't feel like real wind, it felt like... Kinda like someone was running past me. They all have different winds, okay? I turned around to find Boo flying above up all, screaming something.

Ash, Laura and Jetash didn't seem to hear it, but I could exactly hear what Boo was saying. Yes, my special power is I can talk to all mobs. Zombies are the hardest to work out though.

Boo was warning us something. He, yes a he, was saying something about Fluffy and Flappy... And something stolen? I started coughing again and I woke up Laura. She sat up in bed and turned to look at me.

"What are you doing?" She asked me. I ignored her and got out of bed, walking over to my stuff. "Go back to sleep..." I asked her. I needed to do something important. "Why? I just got up!" She moaned and I knew she wasn't going to sleep.

I must leave the important thing for later, again.


"We have to continue the journey!" Jetash was saying. Me and Laura looked at each other. Ash had made a recovery potion (different from regeneration according to Ash) and told us to have some everyday.

"Aww! But why can't we just bring Boo here and make her carry us down?" Jetash had suggested that when we first set out, we all tried to sit on Boo, but he just collapsed. We all were too heavy.

"But look what happened the last time you suggested that!" Laura sighed. Jetash sat in silence. "I can climb down, it's better then going up..." I said. Laura agreed and I went to pack my stuff, no matter what the others said.

Laura did the same, Ash and Jetash going after us. After everything was packed, we set off now down the cliff.

•••ONCE MORE MAGICAL TIME SKIP ROAR••• (gee I am getting lazy)

Once again, a hard place to rest. It wasn't even night yet and we almost had reached the bottom... Despite the fact that we had almost fell like three times.

I could see the ground now, yay, almost over the cliff. Ash had told us that it would have taken us up to a week if we went around. That's good. I don't wanna travel for a week just to get around a mountain.

For the rest, all we did was sit down, eat some yummy stuff (of cause cake) and then head back off. I don't know is Laura still doesn't want me to eat cake though...

The ground was almost at my reach almost there! I was about to climb down faster, until a sharp pain pierced my head. I stopped climbing, the pain was unbearable. Everyone turned towards me.

I was about to talk,when I turned towards the forest nearby. A figure stood in the forest. Was that-? "Guys! A guy-" I couldn't finish my sentence as the world turned black.

•Laura's POV•

Tarni had stopped climbing and held her head in her hands. Everyone then stopped and turned to Tarni. She looked out at the forest below and saw something. "Guys! A guy-" just before she finished, she blacked out.

Tarni started falling down the cliff, and I went at her to save her, but missed and fell down the cliff as well. "Laura! Tarni! No!" I heard Jetash scream before we hit water. I tried to swim back up, but I felt a tiny bit strained.

I eventually started swimming and remembered: Tarni can't swim. I reach surface of the water, gasping for air. I looked around, finding Tarni in the water, sinking. I held my breath again and went under, grabbing Tarni.

I swam up to surface once again a d on to shore. I laid Tarni down and lay down myself. I watch the cliff, seeing as Ash dived down the cliff after us, screaming with joy. Jetash followed wasn't that far behind, both splashing in the water.

They both laughed and got out of the water, laying beside me. I facepalm. "What about Tarni?" I ask urgently. Laura and Ash's face drop. "No!" We all turn to Tarni, who was passed out on the ground.

I crawled over, listening to her heartbeat. It was still going, meaning she still lived. The Black Cough did this, Herobrine knew about it, but how?

A moment later, Tarni opened her eyes, staring straight into mine. She smiled. "What are you doing?" She said groggily. I crawled a bit away and Tarni sat up, scanning the area.

"Did we make it down?" She asks. Ash laughed. "Hehe- no. You fell and Laura went with you. Luckily, there was water at the bottom of dis cliff, so me and Jetash just said YOLO!! And yeah, followed!" Tarni grinned at what Ash told her.

Then, Tarni's face darkened and she turned towards the forest behind them, staring straight at a dark figure. "Is it Herobrine?" Jetash asks. The figure seemed to tense. "Herobrine? Is he behind me?" He turned around, alarm coming from him.

He wasn't Herobrine, or the player we are looking for. Who was this player? The player stepped out of the shadows, a boy emerging. He had brown hair and green eyes, wearing a black and green hoodie. I blushed.

"Hello strangers!" the boy waved. Ash gave a disgusted look and turned away. Jetash just stared at him. But when I looked at Tarni, she was grinning wide. "Hello, stranger!" Jetash showed no expression.

"I'm Rexon37, but Rex for better!" He made no sense. A loud thump echoed the forest and a huge black thing roared. Tarni yelped and crawled away. Rex saw her reaction, and the rest of our faces, which looked shocked and scared.

"Don't worry! That's just Death, my pet Enderdragon!" He exclaimed. What the nether?


Rexon is my bro at school, just like Laura, Ash and Jetash. Neneh is also a school bro, but she isn't in this yet :P

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See ya in the next chapter, Chapter 10 Rexon37, The Sorcerer

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