Chapter 26 NO MORE LAIRS

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•Ash's POV•

After we had all talked about things like what's happening with Herobrine and with them and the squids (I still don't understand... SQUIDS ARE HARMLESS, though they are disgusting but that still doesn't mean anything).

Tarni was enjoying cake alone, Laura was talking to Rex and Seto, Neneh was talking to Quentin and Jetash was talking to Sky and Ty and I was sitting next to Kat (almost said car! Oh god!). Jason, Ian, Jerome and Mitch were talking in a small group.

"Hey, you don't say much do you?" I ask Kat (I typed car again...). Kat grinned at me. "Well if I say a lot, people call me crazy!" She replied. I laughed. "HEY! It doesn't matter with us! Tarni would say the same if she was by herself!" I reassured.

Kat's smile got bigger. "YES! EVERYONE USE TO JUDGE ME CAUSE I USED TO ALWAYS BE CRAZY BUT NOW I DONT GIVE A DAMN!" Kat stood up and yelled. Looks like I opened up a flower 🌺.

Tarni stood up across the room. "WHY DO WE HAVE PEOPLE YELLING?!" She shouted. "CAUSE I WANT TO :D!" Kat replied. A few chuckles were heard from our small army.

"COME OVA HERE, KAT!" Tarni called over. Kat grinned and ran over to Tarni, I followed. "Want cake?" She asked, holding out cake. This shocked me. Tarni never shared her special cake.

Kat agreed happily and took a piece. Tarni giggled and ate a piece. How much cake did she have? "Can I have a piece?" I asked. Tarni looked me up and down. "Maybe!" She stuffed the rest of the cake in her mouth. I gaped at her.

"THIS IS CRAP! I WANTED CAKE!" I stood up and yelled at her. Tarni put the thumbs up at Kat and she laughed. I gave up and walked over to Laura, Rex and Seto. "Tarni is being a blaze... Can I join you guys?" I asked.

Laura nodded and I sat with them. "What you guys talking about?" I then asked. "Well, Seto was just telling me sorcerer stuff like better healing remedies!" Rex replied. Laura shrugged. I decided to talk to Laura since she seems bored with sorcerer stuff.

"Laura, I need to ask a question..." I mumbled. Laura looked at me and tilted her head. "What is it?"

I sighed. "You and Jetash... How do I put this... Seem to hide a lot with yourselves and I want to know, WHY?" I blurted out. Laura looked shocked and nervous. I kinda regretted my question so I dropped it. "Oook... It's been almost an hour now! I guess we should head off!" I declared, standing up.

Some players agreed and stood up. Tarni objected and stuffed a piece of cake in her mouth. Kat laughed a bit and lied down. Eventually, Jetash dragged Tarni to her feet and Kat crawled along on the floor.

We walked down the hall, the other group leading the way. I still don't understand why they need to defeat the squids...

"Hey! Ash!" Jetash came running towards me. "I was just talking to Ty and he says he want to ask you something!" She says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the other group.

What could Ty want? We reached Ty and he smiled at me. "So you're Ash?" He asked Jetash. She nodded and so did I. "This is kinda a private talk... We need to decide something..." Ty said, staring at Jetash. Jetash understood and walked back to our group.

"What do you want?" I ask. Ty sighs nervously. "Well, our group doesn't have that much hunters and I was wondering if... If you would join us? We could also use the extra help in our army..." He looked down at the floor.

On the other hand, I was trying not to panic. NO! I DONT LIKE CHOICES BUT I DONT KNOW! I stopped walking. Leave my quest to help Tarni and Jetash or join an army to defeat squids? ARGH NUUUU!

Ty stopped walking further ahead of me and waited for a reply. What do I do?

•Rex's POV•

It was very different talking to another sorcerer. Seto was helping me with a lot of magic tricks and stuff and I even told him a few. Laura did get bored with it so I would know people around us can get bored as well, but I DONT CARE 😃.

I had told Seto all about Herobrine with the group, not from my past. Seto told us about the squids and how they keep attacking their kingdom. It was awesome to know that he and this group kept their kingdom at peace.

I walked down the hall of the lair with Seto and Neneh on both my sides. Neneh was looking at her hands... I don't know, probably the fire thing...

Seto had stopped talking and stared ahead. It was now a bit awkward... HOW DID IT GET AWKWARD FAST?!

"Rex, when we have to go on our own quests, don't forget to use telepathy to communicate, okay?" Seto suddenly told me. I nodded. "Yep!"

"THE OUTSIDE!" Tarni yelled at the front. She was walking with Sky (FandomFlyer! Stary!). A white rectangle light loomed ahead, that must be the exit. I couldn't help a small squeal of excited meant at the thought of escaping this UTTER NETHER!

Seto laughed beside me at the noise I made. "Excited?" He asked me. I nodded eagerly. "ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE WE HAD PEACE!" I shouted. I looked at Seto and ran ahead, Seto following.

We overtook Tarni and Sky at the front and I heard a muffled comment from Tarni about it. "GET BACK HERE! IM LEADING!" Tarni then yelled at us. I laughed and burst outside of the lair.

The snowy wind blew my hoodie off of my head and I struggled to keep balance. The blizzard that Waffles had said MUCH earlier had still been blowing. "REX! GET BACK HERE!" Tarni yelled, running our of the lair. As soon as she came out of the lair, she tripped and fell in the snow. I laughed at her.

Everyone ran out of the lair and celebrated of making it out alive. Tarni sat up and her cat ears twitched. "Where is Ash and Ty?" Jetash brought up.

I searched our groups to find that both of them aren't here. "I remember Ty wanted to ask Ash something..." Jetash recalled. I looked at the entrance of the lair to see two figures walking towards us. As anyone would know, it was them two.

Both looked utterly nervous. What did Ty ask her? "Why did you guys TAKE FOREVER?" Tarni asked, still in the snow. "Nothing important!" Ash replied.

"Guys... We still need to get down the mountain!" Quentin brought up, pointing down the nearby cliff mountain thingy. "This is going to be fun!" Neneh murmured.

•Laura's POV•

Everyone had gone to the mountain edge and looked over. I moaned and stood back. "I'm not climbing down that!" I objected. A hand grabbed mine and I looked up to see a player wearing a blue spacesuit and a orange helmet, this is Jason. He smiled and I blushed.

"I'll help if you want," he said, walking back to the mountain edge and I followed, still holding his hand. "TIME TO CLIMB-" Tarni began to shout but was interrupted by Rex.

"ARGH! I'm sick and tired of CLIMBING! Let's teleport!" He said. "But I don't wanna teleport!" Ash complained. "C'mon! Let's do this for real!" Seto argued. Rex sighed in defeat and nodded. "Fin..." He mumbled.

Tarni was the first to try and climb down, but she misplaced her foot and slipped, screaming a bit before Sky grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Tarni blushed and looked down the cliff to where she would have dropped.

"I still recommend teleporting..." Rex brought up. I rolled my eyes. "Tarni, we don't go the way that is covered with snow, obviously we go the way that is a trail!" I pointed out, finding the cleanest path to climb down.

Everyone agreed and came over to where I was standing. "I was... Uh... Looking at the view!" Tarni covered up. "No one looks at a view while looking down..." Jetash mumbled.

I went down the trail first with Jason after me. Climbing is hard D:



Does anyone want me to have a small chapter for 1k? I feeeeeeeeel like it!

Eh, I don't have much to say so anyway!

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me!

See ya in the next chapter, Chapter 27 Split ways (AH IVE COME SO FAR INTO THIS BOOK!)

The Minecraft Adventures Of Jetash And Tarni Go RoarWhere stories live. Discover now