Chapter 2

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Months had pass Andrew and Faye would regularly see each other at their child’s school. They usually bumped at each other in the mornings when they accompany their child at their children’s classroom. Amidst them seeing each other their where no communication that transpired between them. They will nod at each other when they feel like it but other than that the only contact and communication they had was when they first met, months before.




First Week of September


Faye is in her shop in Greenbelt Five, she was busy doing some inventories when a realization sank inside her.

For more than two years now, Faye was able to establish her own business. She is a running a high-end clothing shop in the well known high-end shopping mall in the Metro. She also designs the clothes she is selling in the shop. Faye never thought she can survive the downhill life led her when her husband, Paolo died.

She and Paolo were married for five years when he died. They had Cobbie when they were about to celebrate their second wedding anniversary. Back then she was simply a mother and a wife. Her priority was her family. Paolo is a rich accomplished IT expert who was hailed by Forbes as one of the Best Young Entrepreneurs in Asia.  She remembered that her husband was on top of his game when unfortunately an unfortunate incident happened. The private plane that he was in, crashed, he was about to attend a conference in Singapore and was riding the private plane of his IT enterprise when the Pilot encountered an engine problem and crashed at the middle of Pacific Ocean. He was with his team and unfortunately the 12 passengers of the plane did not survive. The pilot and the airplane crew also did not survive the accident. She was so lost that time, and did not know what to do. She was so dependent to her husband that she does not know how to start life again but she has a three year old son, in her mind she needs to be strong for him. Her husband’s successful enterprise is still up and running it is manage by Paolo’s best friend and adoptive brother, Julian.

Julian Adriaga was the one who helped Faye go through the pain of losing Paolo. He was also the one who helped her in establishing this baby of hers, her shop.

Cielo is up and running and is a well known brand in high-end clothing. Thanks to her hard work and perseverance. Her business is well established amidst its being young and new. She was still contemplating the past and her present when she realized that her office phone beeped. She ended her thoughts and laid her pen on top of her desk; she then answered the call and was almost in panic when she heard the reason of the phone call.

It was Cobbie’s school physician, the lady doctor told her that her son collapsed during class and he needed to be brought to the hospital. Faye ended the call hurriedly and rushed to her son’s school to fetch him and accompany him at the ambulance that will bring him to Makati Medical Center.

“Please God, take care of my son, and don’t let anything bad happen to him.” Faye whispered and prayed as she drove her SUV. She was so focused on driving that she did not realized that tears started to fall from her eyes. She swallowed the bitter taste in her throat and continued to silently pray as she tried her best to be strong and stop her tears.


Andrew was surprised and worried when he saw Ashley in tears as his daughter waited for him in front of her classroom. He hurriedly strode towards his daughter and kneeled before her.

“What happened, Baby? Why is my baby crying?” He softly asked Ashley.

His daughter cried more as soon as she saw him kneeling before her and without words, her small arms encircled his neck as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

Andrew patted his daughters back to calm her as he whispered sweet nothings to her. He waited for her daughter to calm down before asking her again.

“What happened?”

Ashley untangled her arms from his neck and looked at him. “Cobbie, Dada, Cobbie is sick… He fell on the floor during class... Teacher said he needs to go to the hospital.” His daughter tearfully explained to him. Her words not so clear luckily he was able to digest what his daughter just said.

Andrew again patted his child’s back for comfort and gave her a sad smile. “Don’t worry, Ash your friend will be okay. I am sure the doctor will make him well. Don’t cry na. Paguwi natin let’s pray to Papa God and asked him to make your friend Cobbie well. Okay?” He said to his child and carried her with his arms.

Ashley nodded her head and rested it on his shoulder. “I love you, Dada!” Andrew heard his child uttered.

He smiled as soon as he heard Ashley. “I love you too, Princess.” He echoed to her daughter as he walked out of the school grounds and to the parking lot where his car was parked.

He assisted her daughter with her seatbelt before starting the car’s engine. He looked sideway and saw that her daughter was already napping.

He smiled and lovingly patted Ashley’s head with his hand. Then an image of Cobbie’s mother flashed in his memory.

“Faye…” He silently whispered as he tried to evade the thoughts that were starting to confuse him.

“She might have a husband, Andrew… She definitely doesn’t need your help.” He scolded himself. He then erased the thoughts in his mind and turned his gear on reverse. In no time his car was out of the parking space…

But unfortunately the thoughts that was running inside his head,



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