Second Chapter's Continuation

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After A Week



“Dada, Cobbie is still in the hospital. Teacher says he is still sick.” Ashley told him one Saturday, morning.

They are having their pancake breakfast at the veranda of their home and he was browsing on a food magazine when his little girl told him the news. Andrew remembered her face again, for god sakes; he was trying his best to squash the images of Cobbie’s mother in his head, all week and his daughter seems to be not helping him.

 Andrew put down the magazine at the top of the table that was near his plate. He then looked at his little girl and gave her a tentative smile.

“You are missing your friend already, Baby?” Andrew said as he tackled on the topic at hand. Ashley bobbed her little head up and down as a response.

“Do you want to visit him at the hospital?” He tentatively asked his child.

Ashley looked at him, her eyes quite scared but his daughter slowly nodded her head.  “I am scared seeing Cobbie, sick, Dada but teacher says he needed his friends to be with him now that he is not well. I want to go see him, Dada. Please come with me.” His daughter told him, her voice a mixture of sadness and expectation.

Andrew contemplated a bit before answering his child. He could just tell his daughter that they will just pray for her friend to get well and they will visit him some other time but on the other hand his daughter seems to be so heartbroken that her friend is sick he does not want to be the cause of another disappointment for his child.

“Sige Baby, will go after we finish our breakfast. Daan na rin tayo sa mall bili tayo ng Balloons for Cobbie. Is that okay with you baby?” He asked his daughter before sipping on his freshly squeezed orange juice.

Ashley gave him an excited smile and nodded her head. “That will be good, Dada. You are the best.” His daughter said as she chewed on her pancakes.

Andrew nodded his head and smiled at his child. To be honest with himself he has been contemplating on visiting Cobbie at the hospital without his daughter for quite some time now. He even asked Ashley’s class adviser if she knows the hospital where the boy is confined. But his plan was never been executed.

He sighed heavily and focused on finishing his food.  


As talked about, a few hours later he and Ashley were heading inside the mall to get Cobbie a bunch of get well soon balloons. A quarter of an hour later, he and Ashley paid for the balloons and a blue stuffed toy car that his daughter personally handpicked for her friend.  As they left the toy shop, he and his daughter passed through a flower shop. Andrew slowed his steps and his mind instinctively told him to buy a bouquet of Tulips for Cobbie’s mother. His daughter who was holding his hand looked up at him.

“Why, Dada will we buy flowers for Cobbie as well? He is a boy, Dada.” Ashley curiously asked him. Andrew looked down at his curious child and smiled.

“No baby… Come let’s go.” He answered his daughter as he tried his best to stop the urge to buy Faye, flowers.

“No Andrew, her husband might be there. Flowers might send a wrong signal. Don’t put yourself in hot water.” His mind reminded and scolded him at the same time.

As he climbed inside his car, Andrew made a mental note that he will be contacting his constant bed partner, Anastasia Ambrial right after he and Ashley got home. Maybe a dosed of testosterone release will fixed his weeklong dilemma.

Anastasia is one of his Sous-Chef at one of his Restaurants. She is a good friend of him and they’ve been in an open, no strings attached relationship for over a year now.

Andrew convinced himself that this is what he needs in his life right now, and he is well determined to washed away the deep seethed confusing feelings he has having lately.

He never been this confuse since he and his wife separated, two years ago, and his never been physically and emotionally attracted to someone since then…

But that changed when he accidentally met the mother of his daughter’s friend…


Makati Medical Center

 “Why don’t you go home first and give yourself a rest.” Julian Adriaga told Faye as they sat besides Cobbie’s hospital bed. Cobbie is asleep and Faye is still so worried of her son’s condition.

She never left his side since he was admitted at the hospital. Cobbie’s Doctor said that her child was diagnosed to have a severe case of Anemia and needs to be further tested to determine what procedures they can do to treat the illness.

Faye faced her husband’s best friend and Cobbie’s almost second father. “No, Jul. I am okay. I won’t leave Cobbie’s side.” She argued with her friend at the same time assured him.

Julian sighed and nodded his head. “Okay if that is what you want. But please don’t worry too much. Okay. Everything will be fine.” Julian said as he continued to comfort her. He was with her since Cobbie was admitted at the hospital and she was so grateful that her husband found such a wonderful friend in Julian.

Faye nodded and gave Julian a small smile. They were silently watching over the still sleeping Cobbie when Julian told her that he will just go out and buy food for them. Faye agreed and accompanied her friend at the door.

A few minutes after Julian left her son’s hospital room, Faye’s nap was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, thinking that it was Julian; she just shouted a soft,

“Come in.”

She was slightly taken a back when a tall handsome familiar guy entered the hospital room with him is a cute little girl holding a bunch of blue balloons and a stuffed toy car.



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