Chapter 14

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Andrea Madrigal's Condo - Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

Andrea woke up when her daughter stirred beside her.

"Would Daddy, picked me up this morning, mom?"

Ashley asked her, her voice still a bit sleepy.

Andrea gave her daughter a good morning smile and shook her head.

"Good Morning, sweetie, Dad texted me, after lunch ka daw niya susunduin."

She informed her daughter and smiled sweetly at her.

Ashley nodded her head and turned her back from her.

Andrea sighed and controlled her temper. She was having a hard time being close to her own, daughter. Ashley seems to clammed up to her all the time she was spending time with Andrea.

What will she do, both her husband and child are cold to her?

Andrea thought to herself and sighed as she climbed out of her side of the bed.

She walked around the other side and sat beside her daughter.

"What do you want to do, sweetie. Gusto mo magshopping tayo tapos sa mall ka na lang sunduin ni Daddy?"

Andrea sweetly asked her daughter as she tried her best to get close to Ashley.

Ashley shook her head and looked at her blankly.

"I want my Dada to pick me up na, instead of after lunch pa. Please call him mom, tell him sunduin niya na ako."

Ashley pleaded to her mother.

Andrea sighed frustratedly and hesitantly nodded her head to her daughter.

'Gagawin niya lahat to make her daughter warm up to her. Kaya kahit naiinis siya ginawa niya ang gusto ng anak."

Andrea lifted her phone and dialed Andrew's number after five to six rings, she ended the call, defeated.

"Sweetie, hindi sumasagot si Daddy eh, baka busy sa work si Daddy."

Andrea reasoned out, as an idea entered her brain.

"Why don't we go to daddy, instead. Diba he has this breakfast buffet promo in his new resto. Let us suprise your dad sa 'Mi Amor' and have breakfast with him."

Andrea suggested to Ashley. Her daughter sour face, instantly shifted as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Yah, mom let us surprise dada." Ashley excitedly told her mother and jumped out of bed her mood totally changed.

Andrea gave her daughter a smile and held her hand as they walked out of Andrea's room.

"Lets suit up, then, Princess and see Daddy."

Andrea said to her daughter, her voice cheerful as hope ignited inside her.

When they reached her kitchen at the condo they saw Anna, Ashley's yaya obviously waiting for them.

Andrea smiled at the nanny and passed Ashley to her.

"Ya, paliguan mo na si Ash punta tayo kay Sir Andrew mo sa Mi Amor to have breakfast with him."

She said to the smiling nanny infront of her.


Andrea went back to her room as soon as Ashley and her yaya left for the bathroom.

She entered her own bathroom at her room and started to get ready for her shower.

Andrea was about to soap herself when a recent memory flashed in her mind.

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