Chapter 5

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Three Months Later

Andrew was with Anastasia that afternoon and just came out of the movie theater. His daughter, Ashley will be spending her night at Andrew’s parents’ house as the old couple misses their granddaughter so much. Andrew will be spending his night with Anastasia as they’ve been doing more frequently, lately. When he decided to at forget his confuse feelings with the mother of his daughter’s friend, Andrew made a point to focus his energies with work and his daughter. He hates to admit but probably the mix feelings or attraction he felt for Faye comes from the fact that his spending his life too focus with Ashley and work. Yes, he and Anastasia occasionally shared beds when they both want to give in with their needs but that’s that. When Andrew felt this certain attraction to Faye and decided to ignore it rather than giving himself a chance to explore the feelings further, he instinctively assumed it as bodily need.

Since then, Andrew decided to give himself a break and spend time with Anastasia, although they mutually agreed that their alliance has nothing more to it other than sex and testosterone/estrogen release. They still made it a point to do things together.  Many of their friends believe that they are heading for a disaster but for him and Anastasia all coast are clear. They know where to stand in each other’s life.

“Hey, Drew. Are you with me?” Andrew heard his companion asked him. He was so into his thoughts that he weren’t able to listen properly with what Anastasia was telling him.

“I am sorry. I just spaced out for a moment there.” Andrew apologized and explained to his friend. Anastasia let out a sigh and shook her head.

“I was asking you how you find Tom Cruise’s and Emily Blunt’s performances.” Anastasia patiently repeated herself, her voice as calm as water.

It has been two years since he and Anastasia started their open relationship and he never saw her express her emotions. Even if the situation is so irritating she always and perfectly handles it with her somehow cold exterior that makes Andrew wonder. But who is he to question, Anastasia is perfect for him. It is exactly what he needs right now, a woman who can satisfy his needs without expectations and complications. Andrew silently pondered to himself not realizing that he spaced out again.

He woke up from his reverie, again when Anastasia clicked her fingers right in front of his eyes as they stood in front of Starbucks’ entrance.

“I don’t think you are with me today, Andrew. If you prefer to call it a day, I’ll understand.” Anastasia told him, her voice still calm and collected as she always is. But somehow Andrew felt a certain angry spark in her eyes as guilt defeated him.

“No, I am sorry. My mind sometimes can’t get enough of work that sometimes I forget I am still human.” He joked and tried to lighten his companion’s mood.

Anastasia shrugged her shoulders, nodded her head and entered the coffee shop. Andrew scolded himself silently and followed his friend.

They were silently sipping their chosen lattes’ when Andrew’s phone rang. Anastasia looked at him, as a hint for him to answer the call. Andrew lifted his blackberry and answered it while he gave Anastasia a look of apology.

“Hello, may I know who is in the line?” Andrew greeted the caller noting the fact that the number is not registered in his phone.

“Mr. Madrigal, Doctor Rivas here.” The Caller responded through his inquiry. Andrew’s expression changed upon hearing the answer of the caller.

He let out a curious and baffled sigh.  “What the heck his former fertility doctor, needs from him?” He silently pondered as he waited a moment before answering the doctor.

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