Chapter Five's Continuation

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 Flashback Chapter

Faye just came out of Cobbie’s bedroom, she helped Helen, Cobbie’s nurse in his sponge bath. She was walking towards her own bedroom when she felt suddenly, dizzy. She held on the doorknob of her room tightly and stayed still. When the dizziness lessen a bit she opened the door of her room, she slowly and carefully walked inside and entered the bathroom near her room’s entrance.


She went straight to the sink tub and gripped the sides of it and lowered her head. She let out the nausea she’s been holding and vomited. After a few minutes, Faye gargled an ounce of tap water, wiped her mouth with her bathroom towel and went out of the bathroom as her hand flattened in her stomach.


She might be pregnant already. The thought entered Faye’s mind as she walked towards her bed.


“Sorry for conceiving you this way, Baby…” She sadly whispered to herself as she rested her hand at her stomach again.


She mentally noted that she needs to visit her fertility doctor early morning the next day. She then sat at the side of her bed as she continued to hold on her still flat tummy.


“Would I tell Julian already, even if I am not sure yet, or will I wait for the Doctor’s confirmation?” Faye contemplated on as she stared at her android phone at the side table near her bed.


She decided against it. “I’ll just tell him if it is already confirmed.” Faye told herself as she tried to rest for a few minutes before checking on Cobbie again.



Same Day: 8:00 PM


Faye was in Cobbie’s bed reading him a story when she felt a little nauseous, again. Her little boy looked up at her after he noticed that she stopped from reading.


“Mommy what happened with the baby bear and Goldilocks?” Her son asked her, his voice a bit sleepy.


Faye looked at her son and faintly smiled at him as she controlled the urge to vomit. “Baby, can you wait for mommy, I’ll just go to the bathroom.” She asked his son in a soft voice. Cobbie, worriedly looked at her as if sensing she is not feeling well and nodded his head.


“Okay, Mommy.” Cobbie cutely said to her. Faye smiled at her son and walked straight towards her son’s bathroom.


When she was sure that the door was close and she will not be heard by his son, she then again leaned towards the sink tub and vomit.

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