Chapter Twenty One's Continuation

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"Let me buy the shares you bought from Julian, I'll give you guys what you want in return."

Andrea's ex-husband told Julian and her, his voice strictly bussiness.

She let out a sigh and glanced at Julian Adriaga who was intently looking at Andrew with controlled anger in his eyes. Her ex- husband was seated across them as they are having coffee in one of the five star hotels in Makati.

Andrea was about to play her cards and answer the man she once upon a time called her husband but Julian beat her.

"Give me half of your chain of restaurants in Manila, two in Cebu and the most successful one in Singapore. Then we are even."

Julian Adriaga told Andrew his voice serious and all business. He is taking almost all of Andrew's hard earned investments. A flabbergasted Andrea gasped at what she just heard and looked at her ex-husband's reaction.

Andrew did not blink an eye, he looked at Julian as if the guy has no intention of ripping sixty percent of his bussiness off of him.

"I will schedule another meeting with you and with my lawyer, consider it done."

Andrea can't believe what her ex-husband said. All of his hardwork was gone just because of loving Faye. She was seething inside.

Andrew then looked at her, "and you what do you want for you to leave Faye and Ash alone?" Her ex asked her.

Andrea controlled her anger and confidently looked at Andrew,

"Twenty Five percent of the forty percent left in your business, seventy five percent of your earnings monthly as alimony for our annulment and our house."

She said and pulled the trigger. "Andrew would be stupid if he would give up everything just for, Faye." Andrea thought, she was sure Andrew will cry foul.

"Done! Let your lawyer settle everything with my lawyer. I hope this will end everything. Consider it a deal from my end. I am expecting the same with you, guys."

Andrea slightly opened her mouth in astonishment, her ex husband completely committed suicide.

"All is done, just let your lawyers meet me."

Andrew added as he stood up from his seat and walked out on them.

Making her and Julian speechless for a couple more minutes.

"They won't back down" Andrea and Julian, both mumbled at the same time as they looked at each other.

Frustration, anger, defeat and jealousy both in their eyes...


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