Chapter 7

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Andrew get on with his life after he learned about being a father again. As decided he treated the situation as if nothing happened  and he is trying his hardest to move on from it.

It was a saturday morning and was spending time with Ashley in the garden of their home. He was playing with his daughter and was asking her if she wanted to enjoy a deep in the pool when a shadow of a woman surprised him and Ashley.

"Hi Hon, Hi Baby, did you both miss me?"

A familiar voice and accent asked them as Ashley's head and his lifted up at the same time, from what they are doing and stared at the woman standing in front of them.

He saw his daughter widen her eyes as she snuggled closer to him.

"Mommy," She heard Ashley whispered as his daughter stared at her own mother.

Andrew was so taken aback, he stayed frozen in his position as he stared blankly at the face of his ex- wife.

"Andrea," He almost gravely said and looked at his daughter again.

Ashley is now seated at his lap as her little head buried in the crook of his neck. Andrew felt her daughter's tears running down his neck. He patted her back and lifted her head as he made his daughter face him.

"Baby go to your room, first." He softy whispered to Ashley. His daughter nodded her head as an acknowledgement and slowly climbed off his lap. Ashley looked back at her mother's eyes and walked towards her.

"Mommy, I miss you." Andrew heard Ashley told her mom as Andrea kneeled before her daughter. He saw his ex-wife tear up at what his daughter said and gave Ashley a light kiss on her cheek.

"Go follow your dad, and go to your room. We will catch up later, baby." Andrea told her daughter as Ashley gave Andrea another look.

Andrew nodded his head to his daughter and watched her entered the living room's door.

"Why are you here, Andrea? I think your two years to late, already." Andrew asked his ex-wife as he stood up from his chair.

Andrea looked at him, her demeanor a mixture of apprehension and fear.

"I am sorry, Andrew."

Andrea told him with a pleading voice and apologizing eyes.

Andrew gave him a look and turned his back.

"Two years too late, Andrea."

He told his ex-wife, his voice void of emotions.

Andrea let out another plea but Andrew ignored her and completely left her alone,

As he saw tears in his ex-wife's eyes...


Faye was trying her best to balance her life between work, her sick son and dealing with the fact that she is pregnant without a partner plus not to mention, morning sickness.

She's been struggling but Faye made it a point that she shows her son a strong front as she does not want to discourage him with the so many changes happening in their lives.

It has been two weeks since Julian proposed to her and she was still confuse why it even happened. Somehow she felt that Julian let her down by merely asking her hand for marriage. She knows that Julian means well. But she can't help but feel betrayed.

It was a saturday afternoon and Faye was on her way to her shop in greenbelt. She was near a posh restaurant when she felt queasy and nauseous. Faye stop in her tracks and held on the wall nearest her as she waited for the bout of queasiness pass. Faye heard footsteps from behind her.

Probably a group of customers went out of the restaurant. Faye thought to herself...

She was taking in deep breaths to wash away the queasiness when a hand touched her shoulder as the stranger's arms encircled her waist to support her.

"Miss are you okay?" Faye, heard a gentle but manly voice asked her.

She was about to face him and tell the stranger that she's fine but dizziness took over her as darkness filled her brain.

The next thing Faye knew she was already in the arms of the stranger and he was carrying her as he walked back, inside the restaurant.

"You," She whispered softly as soon as her vision cleared.


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