Chapter 9

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"How's my baby?"

Faye asked the man seated besides her hospital bed.  She just woke up from her sleep and noticed the gentle kind man silently watching over her.

Andrew smiled at her and moved his chair closer to her bed.

"The baby is fine, Faye. Don't worry too much. The doctor said that you should avoid stressing yourself." Andrew told her, his voice too gentle for her sensitive, emotions.

"I can't lose the baby, Andrew. I just can't."

Faye said to Andrew as tears flowed from her eyes, her hand holding her stomach.

Andrew moved closer to her, his eyes soothing the fear inside her. To Faye's surprise, Andrew rested his firm hand on top of her still unnoticeable baby bumb and caressed it gently with his palm.

" We will not allow that to happen, Faye. We will not lose,

Our, baby...

Faye heard Andrew say to her. His words assuring and tender. She looked at Andrew, her eyes a mixture of surprise and wonder. She was about to question what he just said when she felt Andrew's finger on top of her lips and stopped her from speaking.

"The sperm mistakenly used for your IVF was mine, Faye. Dr. Rivas told me, earlier."

Shocked by what she just heard, Faye looked at Andrew and started to cry again. In her mind, she was asking if it was fate or simply coincidence... But one thing is for sure, she is grateful...

"Thank you for giving me this,

Baby, Andrew..."

Faye wasn't able to control her emotions as she reapeatedly thanked the man in front of her.

Andrew gripped her hand, tighter.

"Atin siya, Faye. I'll make sure everything will be fine. Whatever our situation is, I'll stay by your side. Ako ang daddy niya and will stand by it whatever happens.

Responsibilidad ko na kayo ngayon."

Andrew softly told her, his voice tender but firm.

Faye was too tired, hormonal and sensitive she wasn't able to argue with what Andrew just told her. For now, she was grateful that the baby is safe and thankful that Andrew is with her, right this moment.

She can't understand it but she felt safe and secured with Andrew. She's been contented with Paolo before but she never felt this safe with him. Faye contemplated as she was trying to sort her jumbled emotions.

"Go back to sleep, Faye. You need more, rest." She heard Andrew whispered to her as her reverie was interrupted.

Still confused with a lot of things Faye nodded her head and gave Andrew a sad smile. She was about to close her eyes when she remembered her son.

'Si Cobbie,' Faye almost whispered as she jerked up from her position.

Andrew gently assisted her by holding her waist and stopped her from standing up.

"Faye, Cobbie is fine. Dr. Rivas gave me your home number. 'Nakausap ko yung nurse ni Cobbie. Okay naman siya and huwag ka daw magworry. Babantayan niya si Cobbie ng maige.'"

Faye calmed down upon hearing this, she gave Andrew a sad smile and lay back to bed. Andrew carefully covered her with a blanket and smiled at her.

"Sleep well." Andrew gently whispered to her as she closed her eyes.

"Don't leave me please," She unconciously mumbled, her eyes closed.

"I won't. I am just here, till you wake up." Faye heard Andrew say to her as tiredness got over her. She felt Andrew's hand gripped hers and squeezed it. Faye felt a weird satisfaction and security inside her as she felt Andrew's hands on her. She did not let it go as unconciousness sets in.


Andrew woke up at the middle of the night as she felt Faye stirred in her bed, he was seated beside her hospital, his head bowed down at the mattress near her stomach, his hand was still holding hers. Andrew lifted his head from sleep as he felt Faye's hand squeezing his."

He looked at the time and realized it was three o'clock in the morning.

"What is it? May gusto ka ba?" He gently asked the woman who was looking at him, her eyes a bit unreadable.

"Nahihilo ako eh, parang I want to throw-up. Puwede mo ba tawagin yung nurse to assist me sa bathroom," Faye softly told him, her voice a bit weak.

Andrew jerked out from his seat. His eyes, alarmed.

"I'll ask them to call the doctor instead." He told Faye, his insides already in panic.

Faye held his hand to stop him.

"I am okay, Andrew. No need for the doctor. Morning sickness lang eto. Nurse na lang please." Fate softly said to him as she gave him a weak smile.

"Sure ka?" He asked her to make sure,

Faye nodded her head, the smile was still on her lips.

"Ako na lang tutulong sa iyo." Andrew told Faye as he encircled his arm to her waist to assist her in getting out of the bed.

Andrew stood behind Faye as she bended forward the sink and started to throw-up. He rested a hand on her back and caress it as his other hand hold Faye's waist for support. After five minutes, Faye stood up straight and face him,

"Thank you," She whispered to him, Faye's voice tired and weak.

Andrew  move closer to her, his hand never leaving her waist. He sigh a bit as he saw Faye's pale face.

"Ganito ba tuwing umaga?" He asked, Faye.

Faye noded her head and pursed her lips. Andrew drew Faye closer to him and gave her a small smile.

"Nahihilo ka pa?" He asked her again.

Again Faye noded. Andrew gave Faye a look and noded his head to tell her that he understand. He then, rested Faye's head on his shoulder, near the crook of his neck. He encircled his arms on her waist to support her.

"Tell me pagwala na hilo mo. Para I can walk you back to bed." He whispered in Faye's ear as he continued to caress her back.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, before Faye lifted her head from his neck.

"I am okay, Andrew. Balik na tayo sa loob." Faye said as they are still standing inside the bathroom.

Andrew noded his head and helped her in walking back to her bed.

"I'll take care of you and Cobbie from now on, hindi ako papayag na magisa kang ganito tuwing


Andrew told Faye, his voice full of determination and conviction.

As he promised himself to be the man for Faye, whatever happens...

Be With YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon