Chapter Eleven's Continuation

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"Sir, kanina pa po kayo diyan sa loob kung hindi po kayo papasok sa bahay ni Mrs. Gutierrez, baka po puwede na kayo umalis. Bawal po kasi yung matagal nagiistay sa kotse, isa po sa rules and regulations ng village."

The village guard told Andrew. He nodded his head and turned his car engine on.

The guard nodded and pedaled his bycycle away. Andrew sighed hard and drove off.

After what Faye said, Andrew was confuse as ever.

Hindi niya na alam ano gagawin niya sa sitwasyon. Hindi din niya maintindihan ang sarili.

"Ano ba nararamdaman niya para kay, Faye?

Sino ba siya sa buhay ko?"

Andrew's mind keep on asking him.

"She is the mother of my second child." His common sense tells him but deep down inside, he knows it was way more than that.

Andrew just drove out of the village gate and was now, threading the highway, when a his phone rang.

He pushed the botton of his mobile, and turned on the speaker phone.

"What is it, Andrea?" Andrew answered his ex-wife from the other end of the line, his voice, grim.

"Ash is waiting for you, papunta ka na ba, to pick her up?" Andrea asked him.

Andrew sighed and did not answer his ex-wife right away.

"Something came up, puwede ba diyan na lang sa Condo mo matulog si Ashley. I'll pick her up,tomorrow."

He explained to Andrea, Andrew does not want to face anyone now. He just wanted to sort out himself first. He just wanted an alone time.

He told himself as he heard his ex-

wife call his name.

"Andrew," Andrea said, in her usual high pitched tone.

"Yah still, here." He said, his voice still grim.

"Anong oras mo susunduin si Ashley, bukas." He heard Andrea asked him.

"After lunch." He said and ended the call.

Andrew was about to drive towards his home but decided against it. He instead went into reverse and drove towards one of his high-end bar and restaurant in the Fort.

He went straight to his private lounge and asked the bar tender to give him a glass of scotch.

He was just finishing his second shot when a hand touched his arm.

"Anastasia," He said to the woman in front of him,

She was still wearing her chef's uniform as she gazes intently at him.

"Nagkaproblema dito kanina, so inayos ko. The staff can't get hold of you eh kaya ako na lang tinawagan."

Anastasia explained to him with her normal cold tone.

"Sh!t," Andrew exclaimed silently, the next thing he don't need is seeing Anastasia's cold veneer. His confuse feelings is killing him inside.

Nasasaktan siya pero hindi niya alam kung bakit.

"Andrew, are you okay?" Anastasia asked him.

Andrew snapped out of his thoughts, grabbed the woman infront of him and planted a kiss on Anastasia's mouth.

He was exploring her mouth as if  there was no tomorrow, he was nipping and licking not waiting for Anastasia's response. He pushed her towards the couch at the other end of the lounge, knowing that the bar tender just went out.  He pushed Anastasia's body on the couch and followed her as he settled his body on top of her,

His mouth snaked down to her neck and slid down to the swell of Anastasia's breast.

He continued to explore her, with out feelings.

Nipping and licking Anastasia's almost bare body.

Andrew snapped out of what he was doing, when he heard Anastasia's moan.

He jerked out of the couch and stared at the confused and surprised lady at the couch.

Unconsciously, Andrew blurted out the name of Faye. Anastasia heard him, she looked at him, her eyes hurt and angry.

"I never thought you will lose your mind, this way, Andrew. Huwag mo na ako idamay sa mga problema mo!"

Anastasia shouted at him as she walked out of the lounge. Leaving him, confuse and angry with himself as ever.

He poured himself another shot of scotch and finished it with in seconds.

He burried his face on his hands and was contemplating on wasting himself over alcohol when his mobile phone rang.

"Faye," He whispered when he saw the name in the color ID.

He was about to answer the call but it suddenly ended.

Andrew jerked out from the bar stool and hurriedly went out of the bar and restaurant and ran towards his car.

Not knowing why he is driving crazily towards her home.

The only thing he is sure of is he needed Faye in his life..


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