Chapter 19

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SPG: Minors please keep out. Read wih caution.

"Mahal na mahal kita," Andrew told Faye as he continued to explore her soft and sensitve skin.

Nakahiga na sila sa kayang kama ng tinignan siya ni Andrew noong narinig neto ang mahinang tawag niya sa pangalan neto  ,he positioned himself on top of her and gently kissed the soft spots in her neck and ear.

"Gusto mo yun, mahal?" Bulong na tanong sa kanya ni Andrew pagangat neto ng kanyang ulo para tignan ang mga mata niya.

Faye was so lost in the sensations he was giving her, she just nodded her head and looked at him with fire and intensity in her eyes.

Andrew smiled at her and slowly lifted the hem of her sleeveless blouse as his palms stroke her belly up to her sensitive twins. She slowly arc her back savoring his hot caress as she dance with his every touch while her lips was softly whispering his name.

"Mahal, I love your sweet lips against mine," Andew whispered as he lowered his head and claim her mouth for the nth time.

Faye moaned a bit louder as Andrew tasted every caverns of her mouth, their tongues wrestled with each other, Andrew continued to taste her as his hands was busy exploring her aroused skin.

Naramdaman niya na unti unti na binaba ni Andrew ang strap ng kanyang bra, as his fingers traced every part of her arms.

"I love your silky soft skin, Mahal ko." He again whispered as his lips softly and slowly traced the skin where his fingers was a moment before.

"Ohh, Andrew," She softly moaned as her fingers curled in the strands of his hair.

Andrew lifted his head again, and seductively smiled at her.

"I love your moans and you calling my name, mahal."

Andrew softly said as he lifted her arms between her head and slowly lifted her blouse out of her body.

Saglit natigilan ang lalaki sa ibabaw niya nang makita neto ang kalahati ng kabuuan niya. His palm flattened again at her already bulging tummy as Andrews eyes traced the nakedness of her,

"Oh god, you are beautiful," Mahinang sambit neto, as his hands travelled from her tummy to her arms. Andrew gently lifted her back from the bed and clicked the lock of her bra off, nang matapos, he tossed the silk clothing to the floor and claimed her mouth again as he tells her he loves her, habang ang mga kamay neto ay unti unting hinahaplos ang kanyang dibdib.


Faye licked the side of Andrew's lips, her tounge slowly exploring each of the caverns of his mouth, her fingers stroking the sensitive skin of his shoulders and neck.

Andrew can't help but moan with her every stroke, god, he loves her so much his mind screamed inside his head as his body slowly wanting her.

Faye slid her lips to his neck and collar bone, as she blew soft breaths in his skin, her sweet tongue teases him, making him more aroused.

"Oh Faye, you are killing me," He gravely said as he slowly slid his mouth to one of her breast.

He captured one of Faye's already hardened and aroused nipples as his tongue started to savor its sweetness, naririnig niya ang mahinang mga ungol ni Faye as he continued to licked her there, his other hand capping and teasing its twin.

Faye arcs her back in every licked and stroke of his tongue and hand; the gripped of her fingers in his hair slowly tightens as her moans slowly echoed in the room.

Dahan dahan niya binaba ang labi sa tiyan ni Faye as his tongue and lips stroke her there.

"I love you and mommy, baby," bulong ng isip niya as he continued to explore her bulging tummy, mga ilang saglit pa narinig niya si Faye bumulong sa kanya.

"Please don't stop, Love," Wika neto sa kanya. Andrew smiled at what he just heard, he lifted his head from her stomach and looked at her eyes, intently.

"I won't stop loving you, mahal." He earnestly whispered as he held her gaze.

Unti unti niya binaba ang kamay sa bewang ni Faye habang dahan dahan niyang binaba ang shorts ng magandang babae sa harap niya.

Her underwear followed as he stroke the inner skin of her thighs with his hands. Mga ilang saglit niya pang ginawa ito as their mouths danced with each other hanngang he felt a hot liquid dropped in his exploring hand.

"Mahal," Malambing niyang sabi at tinignan ang mga mata ni Faye.

Faye just looked at him with fire in her beautiful dark eyes,

"Please," She whispered, Andrew just nodded her head, and lifted his body as he realized that he was still completely in his clothes.

Andrew hurriedly pulled his polo and khakhi shorts out of his body and joined Faye in bed again as he captured her mouth once more.

Faye's hands circled his neck as their tongues continued to explore each others mouth.

Inangat ng bahagya ni Andrew ang ulo mula sa mga labi ni Faye as they both stared at each others eyes.


They said at the same time. Andrew let out a moan and smiled at Faye, he slowly lowered his body and positioned himself between her legs as his hands continued to slowly caress the soft and sensitive skin of Faye's inner thigh.

He savored her soft skin as his mouth traced every part of her that his hand left.

Faye was so soft in his hands as her body danced with his every touch and licks. Her soft moans echoed in his ear.

He lifted her head and looked into her eyes, he held his gazed for a few seconds as he savored the beautiful face of the woman he loves deeply before slowly enetering her.

Andrew supported Faye's,waist with his strong arms as he slowly drove deeper inside her.

Faye's soft moans arousing him more, when he felt Faye's body arching towards him, meeting each of his thrusts, Andrew once more captured Faye's already parted lips as they instantly explored each others mouth. He moved deeper and deeper inside her, their moans softly echoed around them. Andrew felt Faye's nails dugging deeper in the soft skin of his shoulders as she let out a soft but long moan and with that Andrew threw away his control and and dove further inside her,

He heard Faye cry his name as she met his thrust after a few more in and out movement and Faye's body dancing with him, Andrew felt Faye's inside thighten around him as his hot liquid gushed inside her.


They both moaned as they sealed their shared climax with a hot but mouthwatering  kiss.

"Mahal na mahal kita," He softly said to her and held her gaze as he collapased on top of her.

Faye smiled at him, tenderly and ran her fingers at his jaw line.

"I thank God, he gave you to us, mahal na mahal din kita Andrew."

Faye told him as they both gaze at each others eyes. Andrew kissed the top of Faye's nose and gave her a warm smile, he slowly caressed the side of her face with his hands and kissed her one more time.

He then lifted his mouth from hers as they both gasped for air. After a few moments he looked into Faye's tired but satisfied eyes and slowly pulled out of her as he rolled his body besides Faye.

Andrew gently rested Faye's head at his chest. He caressed the top of her head with his hand and looked down at Faye, her eyes already close.

"Rest well, mahal. I LOVE YOU,"

Andrew said as he continued to caress Faye's head with his hand. He then slid his other arm around Faye's waist and rested his hand on top of her belly as he slowly carresed it.

Andrew sighed, contentedly and closed his eyes as well as the feeling of bliss secured him with deep contentment.

"Life is with her,"

His mind said inside his head as a small smile curve in his lips.



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