Chapter 1

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“Mommy, come’ on my classmates are waiting for me already.”

Faye Sabine Gutierrez’s five year old baby boy Cobbie enthusiastically said to her as she fixed her makeup and her hair while looking at the rearview mirror of her SUV. Dali dali na nilagay ni Faye ang kanyang compact powder sa kanyang makeup pouch at inilagay ang huli sa kanyang LV shoulder bag.

She looked at her son’s eyes and smiled at him. “Anak, the school won’t go anywhere, kaya don’t worry. We still have time.” She explained to her little boy as she combed his hair. It was Cobbie’s second day at school and her kindergarten son seems to love his new sets of classmates.

“Eh kasi mommy, I have a new classmate, eh. Her name is Ashley. Seatmate ko siya mommy and I think I want her to be my fweeeend, mommy.” Cobbie happily told her as he jump up and down on his seat beside her.

“Hush, Cobbie. Huwag magulo tignan mo di ko maayos ang hair mo.” Faye scolded her overly enthusiastic toddler. Kaya ba excited ka pumasok dahil sa Ashley na eto?” She added and again paid attention to her son as she looks into his cute brownish eyes.

Cobbie nodded his head and smiled at her. “Opo, ang cute cute kasi niya at saka alam mo mommy, Daddy ang naghahatid at nag pipick kay Ashley sa school.  Mommy, I thought mommy’s ang dapat nagsusundo sa baby’s nila sa school… Buti pa si Ashley may Daddy…” Her son said to her, his voice happy but his eyes were telling her a different story.

It has been two years when her husband died of a plane crush and her young son seems to realize that they are not a complete family and is always looking for a father.

“Look, honey, baka Ashley’s mom is in heaven like Dada kaya Daddy niya ang naghahatid at sundo sa kanya.” Faye explained to her son and gave him a small smile as she lovingly patted his head with her hand.

Cobbie smiled at her and cutely shook his head. “Sabi ni Ashley, mommy ang mommy niya nasa U.S ba yun, mommy? Sabi niya malayo daw yun… Pero alam mo mommy si Ashley love na love niya Daddy niya. Sabi nga niya Daddy niya pinakaguwapo for her.” Her little boy told her, innocently.

Faye laughed at what her son said and shook her head. “Naku anak, baka Ashley’s mommy works in the U.S kaya daddy niya nagaalaga sa kanya. Naku ikaw talaga may nalalaman pa kayong guwapo ng bagong friend mo. Go fix mo na yang polo mo para we can go out of the car na and maihatid na kita sa classroom.” She told and instructed Cobbie as she helped him with his uniform.

A few minutes later they went out of her car and walked towards her son’s classroom, her son’s hand tightly clasping hers. When they were near his son’s classroom a man in his business suite and sunglasses almost trip over them. Luckily the man was able to catch her while holding tightly the hand of the little cute girl beside him.

Faye tried to control her irritation and looked at the man’s dark brown eyes. Faye felt something as the man stared at her. She ignored the unrecognizable feeling inside her and tried to evade the stare the man is obviously giving her. She then looked at her son and kneeled down before him.

“Cobbie, are you okay?” She asked her son and looked at him with concerned eyes. She heard the man asked the same to the little girl holding his hands.

“Ash, baby, are you okay?”

The two little ones ignored their parent’s inquiry and ran towards each other.

“Come Ashley lets go inside na. Teacher Mae might be waiting for us.” Faye heard her son uttered as he pulled the little girl's arm.

“Bye, Dada…I am good.” Faye heard the little girl screamed the words to her father and followed her son as they happily hopped towards their classroom.

Faye was shocked by the actions of the two little ones and forgot that she was still kneeling at the floor. Her reverie was caught off guard when she saw a hand near her face.

“Can I help you stand up?” A deep manly voice asked her as she slowly lifted her eyes and looked at the man’s outstretched arm.


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