Chapter 6

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Andrew was in his home office trying to check on his emails. It has been two days since he received the call from his former physician. After so much contemplation and thinking, Andrew arrived to a decision and now that he already received the email of his meeting with the board of directors of the fertility clinic. Andrew inhaled a deep breath and instead of replying through email, he lifted his mobile phone and dialed Dr. Rivas’s number. After a few rings the doctor answered his call.

“Good Morning, Andrew. Have you received my email?” The doctor asked him as soon as she answered the call.

Andrew played with his pen and answered the distinguished middle aged, woman,

“I’ll let this situation pass, Dr. Rivas. I won’t file any charges against your clinic. There is no use after all. The situation already happened and we can’t do anything to change it.  Upon a considerable amount of reflection, I’ve come to a decision to just treat this as if I anonymously donated my sperm. Kindly inform the recipient that I won’t be a hindrance at anyway. I think its best that we maintain the anonymity.” Andrew explained to the doctor, his pen still rolling between his fingers.  

Andrew heard the doctor gasp from the other line before answering him,

“Are you sure this is what you want, Andrew?” Dr. Rivas asked him with a doubtful tone in her voice.

Andrew put down the pen he was toying with and sighed.

“Tita Armida, Ashley is still adjusting and learning that her family is not complete. Making her understand this pivotal error would be another strain in my daughter’s young mind and I don’t want that to happen. You very well know from Mama, that Ashley is my life as of the moment and I want to maintain it that way. I hope you understand.” Andrew talked to his doctor and godmother.

Yes, Dr. Rivas is his godmother and his mother’s friend. When he and Andrea had a conflict regarding having children of their own it was Armida Rivas who helped them amend their differences. Andrew reflected and remembered the past as he waited for his godmother’s response.

“Do you want me to send you the contract for anonymous sperm donorship, Andrew? This would protect you of your rights ‘para in case hindi ka gulhin ng kabilang party in the future.’ Worse comes to worse you know.” Dr. Rivas told him.

“Can you vouch for the recipient’s integrity, Tita?”

Armida Rivas did not answer him back that quickly, a few seconds passed and Andrew heard his doctor and godmother say,

“I don’t know her that well, Andrew but I know in my heart, she is a strong and well rounded woman with a good heart.” Armida Rivas told him with a sigh of regret.

Andrew processed the words of his godmother and sighed. “Okay, then Tita, no need for documentation and contracts as I trust you and your gut feel. I’ll let this pass as if it never happened.” He said as he waited for his godmother’s response.

“I won’t intervene or question your decision, Andrew as you are almost my son. I thank you for how positive and giving you are with this terrible mistake. Please know that I appreciate it a lot.” Dr. Rivas told him.

“It is what it is Tita, we rather not complicate things.” He said.

They exchanged a few more words before Andrew told his godmother that he needs to end the call, already.

He was on the verge of hitting the red button when he heard his godmother stop him.

“Yes Tita.” Andrew asked the person from the other line.

“Give yourself a chance to see light again, Andrew. Ashley also needs a mother. Think about that, Hijo.” Andrew heard his godmother say, he was about to respond to her but his godmother intentionally ended the call without waiting for him.

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