Sushi (2/2)

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Edited 2/12/2020


Jungkook smirked, leaning his muscular frame against the doorway.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, I honestly didn't even know you had company Jin."

I heard Jin scoff, he didn't seem to believe his younger brother and for a moment I was confused

What was going on?

Why did Jin seem annoyed?

Why was Jungkook grinning like an idiot.

I couldn't help but stare, Jungkook was so beautiful.

That was the only word to describe the guy.

Wait, was he wearing contacts? His eyes were the most striking blue colour but usually they were brown.

His lips were pale and full, prominent jaw curved gracefully around and the strength of his neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped his entire body; strong arms, bold thighs and calves, a firm chest and abdomen. He was an Adonis among other men who each pale in comparison. One look and I was mush


I hadn't been in a serious relationship for over four years, not since breaking off my engagement with the man who had ruined me

Broken my heart

I hadn't trusted a man since, hadn't given myself to anyone. I wanted to focus on me, focus on my career. Then Jungkook just had to come along and set my core ablaze, I wanted him badly.

It's been four years since I last had sex, maybe that's why Jungkook was bothering me so much.

"Blue." The word left my mouth before I could stop it, my eyes widened.

"What's that Y/N?" Jin asked, he still didn't look happy with Jungkook.

"Erm, nothing. I need to use the bathroom, where is it?" I just needed to get away from Jungkook, I was going crazy here.

"Oh, it's..."

"I'll show her, was on my way back upstairs." Jungkook interrupted Jin, he still had that stupid grin on his face.


Please no

I heard Jin chuckle, I was shocked at his strange reaction.

"Sure, knock yourself out." He replied, leaning back against the counter.

"Come on Y/N, I'll show you to the bathroom." Jungkook motioned with his head for me to follow and reluctantly I did.

I couldn't stop looking at his back, that perfectly sculpted back. I rolled my eyes, telling myself to snap out of it and control myself.

"Enjoying your little dinner date with my brother?" He spoke suddenly, turning around and facing me.

"I....uh, it's not a date. I'm just getting to know him, he said it would be nice for us to be friends if we're going to be working so closely together." I tried to keep my eyes on his, refusing to look at his exposed chest.

"It didn't look very friendly, the way his arms were wrapped around you." He cocked a brow.

"He was just showing me how to make sushi, nothing more." I blushed again as a smirk tugged at his lips.

"Y/N, what's wrong? You seem nervous, why?" He took a step closer and for some reason I couldn't move back, I was that nervous my body froze.

"Blue, why are you wearing contacts?!" I basically yelled, blaming my nerves. I just wanted him to stop moving closer to me, he flinched at the sound of my loud voice but still took another step.

"You noticed, how adorable." His voice dropped low, husky almost. I felt myself blush, unable to move or say anything.

"I sometimes wear contacts, I like to try different colours." He was now dangerously close to me, I swallowed hard.

"Oh....I see." That's all I could muster, my body still frozen.


"Hm?" I whispered as he gently traced his fingertips along my waist.

"By the end of this week....."

He paused, fingers now moving down my thigh.

"You'll be begging me......"

Another pause as he moved his fingers to my inner thigh.


Why wasn't I stopping him?

Why was this turning me on so much?!

"Begging you to what?" I finally spoke, curiosity getting the better of me.

Jungkook moved closer, lips brushing over my ear as he whispered.

"You'll be begging me to fuck you."

I gasped, feeling him nibble on the lobe of my ear. I was enjoying this far too much and then suddenly he moved away

"See you tomorrow at work." He winked before walking away.


I'm screwed.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now