Teasing Jin (1/2)

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I was standing outside Jin's office and for some reason couldn't bring myself to knock on the door.

I was so confident the day before, I was excited about the prospect of teasing Jin and getting some pay back for the whole shirtless thing but now I was actually standing here my confidence seemed to disappear.


I frowned and shook my head.

I could do this, it's not that hard.

It's just some harmless flirtation, what's the worst that could happen?

He could reject you.

He could fire you.

No, he was so obviously teasing me yesterday.

I'm sure this wouldn't be awkward.


He did flirt yesterday, or was that me reading the entire situation wrong?

Okay, now I was over thinking this.

I just need to relax and do this.

I lifted my hand and was about to knock when Jin pulled open the door and leaned against the frame.

"I got bored waiting for you to knock, was curious as to what was taking you so long."

He chuckled.

"I.....how did you know?" I cocked a brow, confused as to how he knew I was standing here.

"I've got access to the security cameras Y/N, there's one outside my office." He winked and then stood aside to let me through.

I suddenly felt stupid, I felt myself blush but lowered my head so he couldn't see.

"What do you need Y/N?" He closed the door and walked over to his desk.

"I wanted to speak with you about something." I felt my confidence slowly building, my eyes never leaving his.

"Oh, speak about what?" He sat down behind the desk, a smirk forming.

"It's about yesterday actually." I slowly walked over, making sure to sway my hips just enough to catch his attention.

I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling when his eyes fell across my curves.

Was he blushing?

"I, erm. I.....what about yesterday?" He finally got his words out, eyes never leaving my own.

"I just wanted to say sorry, for not knocking. I don't want things to be awkward between us over what happened, I hope we can forget about it." I smiled, tilting my head.

"Of course, it's totally forgotten. It's something we can joke about in the future, definitely won't be awkward." He flashed me a genuine smile.

I gave a nod, walking around his desk before sitting down on the edge of it.

"Y/N? What're you doing?" He pushed himself back slightly, I couldn't believe this was the same guy from yesterday.

Where did his confidence go?

"I'm not doing anything." I wet my lips, tongue quickly gliding across them.

Jin suddenly switched, one minute he appeared nervous and then the next his eyes darkened.

"Oh Y/N, did you really think this little act would shock me? I admit though, I do owe you an apology for yesterday."

Suddenly Jin was standing up and giving me the most intense look.

My eyes widened, my heart pounded

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My eyes widened, my heart pounded.

What the fuck?

"Open your legs Y/N."


Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now