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"Jungkook, we shouldn't do this here." I chuckled, head falling back as his lips attacked my neck.


"Jin, he's upstairs and could see something."

"Then let him watch."

I don't know why but the thought of Jin watching Jungkook fuck me senseless on the kitchen counter aroused me, what the hell was wrong with me?

I've gone from innocent to deviant in the space of a few weeks, how did this even happen.

Jungkook gently sucked on my skin, I knew he was leaving yet another mark.

"You like marking me huh?"

"Just claiming what's mine." He smirked against my skin.

"Jungkook....we really shouldn't do this here."

"Y/N...." I felt his lips leave the curve of my neck, I whined from the loss and opened my eyes.

He looked so stern.

"I'm in charge here." The authoritative tone and darkness in his eyes set my core ablaze.


"No babygirl, that's not how you answer me. It's yes daddy, can you say that for me?"

I chuckled at first, the idea of calling him daddy was amusing to me.

He cocked a brow, not the slightest bit impressed with my response.

" What's so funny?"

"I.....I'm sorry. I've just never called anyone that before, I didn't know you had a daddy kink."

I bit my bottom lip, trying my absolute best not to laugh.

"Oh, I see what's happening here. You're making fun of me, finding my kink amusing huh?" He smirked, pushing me back against the wall.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying not to laugh but I really didn't see you as having a daddy kink." I was laughing hard, hand over my mouth in a desperate attempt to stifle the loud guffaw which was dying to be released.

When something really tickled me my laugh was ridiculously loud, this wasn't the time for Jungkook to hear that.

"Oh by all means Y/N let me hear how funny you find my daddy kink." He fisted the material of my shirt, eyes full of lust.

"What are you doing?" I suddenly stopped laughing, my eyes falling across his exposed muscular chest.

"I'm going to punish you for laughing at me." He ripped open the shirt, buttons popping and hitting the floor.

"Okay......daddy." I didn't laugh this time, desire and need for Jungkook the more prominent thought in my mind.

"That's a good girl." He smirked and ran his tongue over my nipple.

I arched my back, fingers running through his dishevelled hair.

"'re such a tease." I moaned.

"Yet you keep begging for more....seems my babygirl likes to be teased." He chuckled and ran his tongue down between my breasts.

I couldn't find the strength to say anything, his tongue the only thing on my mind as he swirled it around the exposed skin of my stomach and sucked.

"Tsk, not even wearing panties. Naughty girl, you're so wet for me already." I moaned loudly as he teased my clit with his tongue.

"Fuck.....right there daddy." I whimpered as he sucked my clit harshly.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now