Teasing Jin (2/2)

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Jin threw his head back and laughed

What the hell?

I didn't know what to think, my lips parted but no words escaped them.

"Y/N, the look on your face was absolutely priceless." He slapped down hard on his thighs, trying his best to control himself.

I wasn't impressed, this idiot was actually making fun of me.

Hell no!

I don't know where my sudden confidence came from, maybe I was trying to prove something to myself.

I always believed the reason Yoongi cheated was because he found me boring, too much of a good girl.

I want to show him, I want to show all men like him that even good girls can play along.

"Jin, what's so funny?" I swallowed hard, it's now or never.

Time to play them at their own game.

I slowly opened my legs.

His laughter soon ceased, eyes falling across my thighs.

"You still owe me an apology, I'm not leaving until you satisfy me."

I lifted my ass up just a little, slowly and playfully hitching up my skirt to give him a glimpse of the black silk suspenders I was wearing.

"Don't just stand there Jin, get on your knees."

His eyes widened, adams apple bobbed as he swallowed.

Look who's nervous now.

"Y/N? I....."

"Oh don't play innocent with me Jin, I know exactly what's going on with you and Jungkook."

His brow furrowed, eyes full of intrigue.

"What do you mean?"

I laughed.

"This little game the two of you enjoy playing so much, whoever gets to fuck the girl first wins."

"Who told you?"

I lifted my index finger and moved it from side to side

"Not telling, all you need to know is that I'm well aware of what's happening and......I want to play."

Where was my confidence coming from, I was never this confident with Jungkook.

This was exhilarating.

I was in charge and I loved it.

I beckoned him over with a seductive roll of my finger, he was immediately drawn in.

"Y/N, you're a very bad girl."

I grabbed his hair and gave it a gentle tug, moving that beautiful face of his closer to my own.

"Did I say you could speak? I don't think I did, now apologize to me." I opened my legs wider, he moved between them.

I moaned as his fingertips danced along my thigh

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I moaned as his fingertips danced along my thigh.

What the hell was happening here?

Why did this excite me so much?

Jin knelt down, slowly he removed my panties before flicking his tongue up and down over my clit.


His hands explored elsewhere, fingers massaging my skin and creating trails of heat.

I squeezed my eyes shut until his fingers gently pinched my clothed nipples. The two stabs of sensation made me open my eyes and look down.

He was feasting on me now, my pussy throbbed.

"Mmm, such a good girl. You're so wet for me." He whispered.

Now he inserted a finger inside my pussy, then two.

He pumped them gently in and out, in and out, as he knelt down again and slid his tongue slowly against my clit.

I let out a sigh, fists clenched as my pussy clenched up with need.

Jin lapped at my pussy tenderly, finger-fucking me with firm yet careful strokes.

The scent of my fluids became stronger as the wetness gathered onto his fingers, coating them with the proof of my arousal.

I looked down as he gently nipped at my clit. I groaned as I felt his fingers slide deep inside, stroking the inner walls.

"Please," I sighed. "Don't stop."

Jin kept licking, stroking, more fervent than before. His tongue battered furiously at my clit. His fingers lanced deep inside my wet and soon-to-be eager warmth. He kept pumping those fingers as his teeth tenderly captured my clit and squeezed it without biting - his attack as disciplined as it was devastating.

Abruptly, I realized that I was bucking my hips, thrusting my crotch towards his face.

My face scrunched up with pent-up desire as I felt heat permeate my body, especially the spot between my legs. I began to quake, holding off the impending convulsions which would send me to oblivion.

My nipples hardened almost painfully now, Jin took the sign as encouragement, redoubling his efforts. He plunged his fingers all the way inside me and nipped at my clit hard as I felt myself lose control.

"Jin!" I groaned. My hips thrashed.

He grasped me by the waist and held on, licking, sucking and swallowing my fluids as my pussy tried valiantly to flood the desk.

My hands clenched up, It took maybe minutes, but to me it felt like so much longer.

I felt my pussy spasm as my fluids continued to pour between Jin's lips. Finally, I came back to earth.

My heaving breasts slowly stilled, and I looked down as Jin pulled back, licking his lips. His face glistened with my cum, and his eyes stared intently at me with a devotion that sent chills down my spine.

"What the fuck is happening here?!" I snapped my head toward the office door, which stupidly we forgot to lock.

It was Jungkook.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now