Second chances & Clarity

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"Y/N....don't you think we deserve a second chance?" Yoongi got to his feet, approaching me slowly.

"I don't know, it's been four years and I'm far too drunk to be dealing with this. I need to do this with a clear head, not now....not tonight." I stepped back, making it clear that now wasn't the time for us to be talking about second chances.

Yoongi sighed but gave a nod, he seemed to understand.

"Okay, come out with me tomorrow then? I'll be at the office, talking over some things with Jin so once I'm done with that we can get lunch together, please give me a chance to further explain myself."

"Fine, I'll go to lunch with you." I wasn't sure what made me say yes, maybe it was the drink....maybe tomorrow this wouldn't seem like such a good idea.

Yoongi seemed happy with my answer, he gave a nod and placed a kiss on my cheek before heading inside.

"Enjoy your night, see you tomorrow Y/N."

I decided to stop drinking, it wasn't the best idea to continue after what just happened.

I took a few moments to compose myself before moving back inside, someone immediately grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs.

"Hey, what the hell!" I was suddenly silenced by a finger pressing against my lips.


"Jungkook, what are you doing?"

I arched a brow, heart pounding.

He looked so good....why did he have to look so good?

"You're making this difficult for're making everything difficult for me." He growled.

I felt my anger build, what the hell was his problem.

"Jungkook stop! I can't keep doing this with you!" I hit his chest.

"You can't keep...."

I hit him again.

"Telling me you...."


"Don't want this...."


"Then the next minute....."


"Look at me like you're looking at me now!"

I grabbed his shirt and glared at him.

"You practically ignored me earlier and then get angry because I'm with Yoongi! You rejected me said you didn't...."

I stopped talking

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I stopped talking....why was he looking at me like that?

"Jungkook.....stop looking at me. I can't do this with you, please let me go."

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now