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Jungkook's POV

Cold sweat glistened on my furrowed brow, hands clasped tightly in front of my stomach as I constantly fiddled with my knuckles, weaving my fingers in and out of each other.

I was nervous....this was reckless.

I shouldn't be doing this, I should be at the airport right now.

What am I doing?

I promised my father that he could count on me and now instead of fulfilling his wishes I'm on my way to tell Y/N I'm falling in love with her.....stupid and completely reckless yet it felt as though I was doing the right thing.

"Sir....Mr Jeon?"

I was lost in the many thoughts and emotions running through my head, didn't even hear Chen calling my name or noticed the car had stopped right outside Y/N's apartment.

"You sure about this Sir? I can still get you to the airport on time if we leave now, just say the word and I'll turn the car back around."

I forced a smile at Chen, he was a good employee and someone whose opinion I always sought out and valued. "I'm okay Chen, just give me a second."

"Of course Sir."

I was about to push open the door when my phone alerted me to a text message....who the hell could this be.

I slid the green bar across and felt my heart drop

Dad: I'm so proud of you son, I know you'll do great in Tokyo.

I suddenly found myself facing a very difficult choice....stay in Seoul and make things work with Y/N or leave for Tokyo and keep the promise I made to my father.

The woman I love or the man who raised me.

I lifted my head just as a car pulled up outside Y/N's apartment, a tall guy with blonde hair stepped out and I was surprised to see Y/N was the one with him. There was a sudden pang of jealousy which soon vanished when I realized the guy was her brother Namjoon, I remember her talking about him and showing me photographs.

Last she told me he was living in Australia, I'm guessing he came to visit.

Y/N laughed as her brother joked around, the two seemed close and it made me slightly upset to see she was doing just fine without me.

I couldn't stop staring at her, she was so beautiful and all I wanted to do was run over and tell her everything....about how I was an idiot not to see how special she was to me.

I then remembered my father's text, I couldn't let him down.

I typed a reply to him first.

Jungkook: I'll make you proud dad, I'll do my best for you and the company. I love you.

Then I typed one to Y/N

Wait for me....please wait for me because I want to make this work.

I furrowed my brow and deleted the message, instead typing.

Jungkook: Thanks, don't miss me too much.

I can't ask her to wait for me, it isn't fair....she deserves more than that.

I sit in silence for a while, watching as she talks with her brother, I try to remember every little detail of her beautiful face before she's no longer there for me to see.

"Chen...." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"The airport please."

Chen gives a sad smile but nods.

"Of course Sir."

I'm sorry Y/N, I love you.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now