Time To Let Go

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Jungkook's POV

We didn't speak during the drive to her place, I knew she was still upset over everything that happened back at the office with Min Yoongi and maybe a little upset over our conversation and my rejection.

I still felt guilty about that.

Yet wasn't it better to be honest? There's no point in promising someone something you're not yet ready to give....right?

After we pulled up outside her apartment and walked inside I decided to finally break the tense silence, at the very least I wanted the two of us to still be friends.

"I'll make some food as you take a shower, get yourself changed into something more comfortable." I removed my jacket and placed it over the couch as we walked through, Y/N seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as she nodded and shuffled down the hallway to use the bathroom.

Why do I still feel so guilty?

Why do I want to kiss her and tell her everything will be okay?

I pushed these thoughts out of my head and headed for the kitchen, maybe making some food for the two of us will take my mind off things.


It wasn't Min Yoongi on my mind anymore, it was the sting of rejection from Jungkook.

I appreciated his honesty, it was sweet of him to try and reassure me that it wasn't because of me he couldn't commit but more his own responsibilities.

Yet deep down I couldn't help but doubt myself, maybe I really was boring....maybe I just wasn't the kind of girl a guy wanted to have a committed relationship with.

Maybe I was boring.

Maybe I was just a filler....a woman a guy messes around with before he finds someone he's actually ready to be with.

I felt numb, in all honesty after crying so much since leaving the office there was genuinely nothing left for me to give.

I removed my clothes and placed them in the wash basket before taking a shower.

I didn't take too long, not wanting to keep Jungkook waiting especially if he was making us both food.

I towel dried my hair, removed my makeup and pulled on a pair of pajama shorts and oversized t-shirt.

It didn't really bother me that Jungkook was about to see me like this....at my most fragile and vulnerable.

I padded back down the hallway and entered the kitchen, Jungkook didn't seem to notice me as he continued to cook.

I took in his appearance and felt my heart sink, he was so handsome....of course he would reject me.

He's far too good looking for someone like me.

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Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now