Author Update

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It's been so long since I updated Desire and the main reason is I simply couldn't come up with a good way to end it, also the decline in views and interaction. Desire was one of my first Wattpad stories, lots needs changing and many chapters need editing. I was new to writing and as a result this story isn't up to the standards it should be but I still love Desire, it's very important to me and I really would like to finish Jungkook's version so I can then focus on Jin's version. There's one more chapter of Desire to go, once it's over please show your love and hype the fact it will officially be my first finished story lol there will be bonus updates at certain points I'll upload but mainly after this last chapter I'll be focusing on Jin's version if people are still interested in that? Once this story is complete when I have time it'll also be edited and improved. Thanks so much to all the loyal Desire fans, if it wasn't for Desire then I wouldn't even be here on Wattpad.

The final Desire chapter will be posted first thing tomorrow once I'm awake.

Love you guys ❤❤

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now