Discovering The Truth (2/3)

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Jin's POV ~

"I'm home princess." I closed the door and removed my shoes, eyes quickly darting around the main entrance to catch a glimpse of her. "Beautiful?" I loosened my tie, taking slow steps toward the kitchen.

"I'm here! Making dinner....well trying to at least." I heard her mumble the last part and couldn't help but chuckle when entering the kitchen.

"'ve certainly made a fair amount of mess princess." I laughed as my eyes fell across pots and pans of all shapes and sizes before they settled on her...."Beautiful." I whispered as she pushed her hair back, cheeks tinted red due to the steaming pan of Yukgaejang she was standing over and stirring slowly.

"I'm definitely not beautiful, I'm sweaty and smell like ass." She chuckled and lifted her gaze to meet my own.

"I don't agree with you, I think you look beautiful and you certainly don't smell like ass." I moved closer and gently moved my hand around her waist. "I missed you today, it was strange not having you at work." My lips found the sensitive patch of skin just below her ear, I felt her breath hitch and chuckled. "I just need a quick taste of you before I shower." I placed gentle kisses as my grip on her waist tightened.

"Behave yourself." She whispered but at this point we both knew she was putty in my hands, there was no escaping me once I started to use her weaknesses to my advantage.

The little patch of skin below her ear.

The curve of her neck....just one nibble and she released a gentle moan.

The smooth skin across her tongue slowly ran across it.

The little dip in her lips placed a kiss there.

"You're such a tease." She breathed out.

"Isn't that why you love me?" I lifted my head, eyes finding her own and immediately getting lost in them. "You're so beautiful." I whispered, resting my thumb on her bottom lip and gently pulling it down. "I could just eat you up right here."

"That sounds amazing need to shower and I need to finish dinner." She playfully nibbled my thumb and then placed a quick kiss on the pad.

I couldn't get over how beautiful she was and that she was all mine.

It wasn't easy, our relationship certainly had many ups and downs but it was worth it....she was worth it.

I knew after my confession she wouldn't immediately get over Jungkook, she loved him and he broke her heart so I knew she needed time and space to heal. I gave her weeks to move on, it hurt to see how much she suffered especially when he didn't even try to contact her but with the love and support of not just myself but Yerin and Namjoon she started to make good progress.

I never intended to confess my feelings for her that night, I was drunk and feeling reckless but now looking back it was the best decision I could've possibly made as she eventually gave me a chance.

I never told Jungkook, so many times I wanted to tell him but something always stopped me. Fear of him coming back for her, fear of him hating me for taking what was once his.

I knew one day the two of us would have to face the music, Jungkook wouldn't stay in Tokyo forever and we couldn't keep our relationship from him once he returned and to be totally honest I wasn't sure how he would react. Jungkook rejected her, he moved on with his life and made the decision to leave her behind so he didn't really have the right to be angry. Truth be told I was nervous, I love my little brother and don't want to fall out with him over this, I felt guilty for keeping this secret from him as we never keep secrets but I was afraid of his reaction and how things would get awkward between the three of us after he found out.

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