What are we?

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I was about to walk in the opposite direction when suddenly Jungkook sprinted across the road and grabbed my arm.

"What the hell! What's wrong with you?!" I yelled, gaining us a few concerned looks from people outside the bar.

Jungkook immediately released my arm and narrowed his eyes.

"Did you enjoy it?" He snapped, eyes never once leaving my own.

"Enjoy what?"

"Oh don't play dumb with me Y/N, your little kiss with my best friend. I was asking if you enjoyed it, so did you?"

I laughed, I couldn't believe he was asking me that question after allowing some random drunk hoe to stick her tongue down his throat.

"Seriously Jungkook! I'm not even going to answer that question, you don't own me. I can do whatever I want! I'm not your girlfriend, so why do you even care?!"

"I don't care! I just don't want you doing it with my best friend!"

Ouch....that hurt.

"Why don't you go and find that hoe from earlier, the one you had your stupid hands all over!"

He tilted his head and smirked.

"Don't you dare smirk at me Jeon Jungkook!" I pointed a perfectly manicured finger in his ridiculously handsome face.

"You were jealous.....weren't you?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes but couldn't find the right words to respond with.

"Y/N....answer me."

I refused to look at him, I knew he would see right through my bullshit.

"Jungkook....just stop."

I sighed and swallowed the lump in my throat.

There was an awkward silence between us before he broke it.

"I'm sorry."

I looked at him as my eyes widened, did he just say sorry?

"Why are you sorry? It's not like we're a couple, you don't owe me anything."

"I spotted you and Yerin enter the bar, way before you noticed me. I was with Taehyung and Jimin, having a few drinks and when you appeared....I got angry." He sighed and took a few moments to gather his thoughts before continuing.

"I was angry with you for lying, annoyed you picked Yerin over me so I wanted to punish you for that. I spotted the girl and used her to hurt you, I didn't even expect it to work but guess it did. I was actually shocked to see how much it upset you, so that's why I'm sorry."

So that's why he seemed so shocked, not because I was there but because of my reaction.

"I'm sorry for lying to you, I just needed a break from all the sex. I mean, I'm exhausted."

Jungkook chuckled and took a step closer, strong hands cupping my face.

"I've really tired you out that much?" He smirked.

"Don't get cocky Jungkook, I'm not in the mood."

"Okay I'll stop, I'm sorry." He laughed and kissed my lips softly.

" Jungkook what's going on with us? What are we exactly?"

I wanted to know, I needed to know.

"I don't know Y/N, I honestly don't know." He sighed, eyes searching my own.

"Just don't think about that tonight, come home with me." He whispered.

I knew it wasn't a good idea yet couldn't resist him, I gave a nod and he smiled.

One hour later at Jungkook's place.


"Take this off." I begged between kisses.

I reached for the hem of his shirt and pushed it higher, Jungkook stopped and watched with lust-filled eyes.

He raised his arms, pulling it over his head and flinging it aside. I stared at him in awe, he was sculpted and so damn beautiful.

He swallowed, as his eyes fell to my mouth. His fingers began working on the buttons of my blouse, slowly exposing the black lace and creamy flesh as his lips left a hot path from my jaw down my neck to my collarbone.

" I want you so fucking bad babygirl." He breathed as he bent and ran a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses to the curve of my shoulder. His fingers were soft, brushing over my skin and giving goose bumps as he pushed the blouse down my arms.

"Fuck Y/N, you're gorgeous."

His fingers ghosted over the top swells of my breasts visible above the delicate edge of my bra.

I closed my eyes and offered up my mouth, silently begging to end my torture, and my hand reached out to find the waistband of his pants.

Every inch of skin burned for his touch, my lower body hot and pulsing, my breathing was shallow and rapid. His hands tangled in my hair, gently tugging my face closer to his.

Several Minutes Later.

They stared at one another as he pushed in a little deeper, nudging slowly, slowly...

Y/N's eyes widened, and she inhaled roughly as he entered her.

Jungkook immediately froze, steadying her with a hand to her hip, ensuring that neither of them moved.

"Fuck babygirl you're so tight."

Y/N wanted more, more of him. More of this and them...she wanted to see him come apart above her, she wanted to find their own beautiful rhythm.

Without breaking eye contact, Jungkook began to move in and out maddeningly slowly.

Y/N blinked rapidly at the feel of Jungkook inside her. Her hands slid down the tensing muscles in his back to his ass, smoothing over his curves and feeling his rhythmic thrusting beneath her touch. He balanced himself on one elbow, tracing sensual patterns up and down her ribs and over her shoulder. She was magnificent: her long, dark hair spread out across the white pillow, her brown eyes full and deep, locked on his, and her mouth, red and open, as she began to groan with every thrust.

Jungkook moved a hand to splay his long fingers across her ass, guiding and moving her, but following a gentle pace.

Y/N watched his eyebrows come together and his teeth clamp down on his lower lip.

Y/N heard herself moan and pant, casting aside any embarrassment.

Jungkook loved her cries and they spurred him on, arousing him even more, as if that were possible. He reached in between them, and as his speed increased, he began to pet her in time to his thrusts. Her tightened grip on his ass indicated her pleasure, as she fought to keep her eyes open,

"Look at me babygirl. I want to see your eyes when you cum."

The intensity of his voice matched his expression.

Y/N's eyes grew wide, and she cried out as his fingers speed up.

They both climaxed together, Jungkook resting his forehead against her own.


It was in that moment my heart started to race, for the first time Jungkook had made love to me.

There was no role playing involved or toys used, just the two of us exploring each other.

I again found myself asking the same question

What are we?

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now