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Edited 2/12/2020


I was oddly aroused but also furious by his behaviour, he owed me some sort of explanation for whatever the hell that was back there.

"Jungkook what the hell is wrong with you?!"

I turned around to him once we entered his office, luckily Hoseok didn't ask too many questions after catching us together.

I simply explained that Jungkook was helping me with the copy machine and he seemed to believe me, luckily Jungkook didn't try anything stupid as we left the room and headed back.

"My office, we need to talk."

Jungkook whispered as we walked down the fire escape, I didn't question why and simply nodded.

I didn't even notice the strange look Yerin gave the two of us as we walked down the hallway and entered his office, my face most likely one of anger.

"Well! Explain yourself?!"

I yelled a little louder this time as he turned to face me, a smirk forming on his ridiculously handsome face.

"I was simply helping you with the copy machine, why does that require further explanation?"

He cocked his brow, eyes inquisitive.

"Oh don't you dare, don't make me out to be an idiot Jungkook. I know exactly what was happening back there! Jungkook you're my boss, what gives you the right to behave that way?! It's highly unprofessional, it's highly inappropriate! I hardly know anything about you! You hardly know anything about me! We've been out to lunch once and you think it's okay to pull a stunt like that?!"

I wasn't sure what perturbed me the most, that Jungkook was so brazen or that secretly I actually enjoyed it.

Jungkook seemed thoroughly amused by my reaction, the smirk never left his full lips.

"Are you not going to say anything?! Why are you just standing there grinning like an idiot?!"

Jungkook chuckled, slowly he took a step closer.

"What are you doing?"

I questioned him, moving away.

"Jungkook?" I was now very aware of how close he was, my cheeks flushed bright red.

"You're body keeps betraying you Y/N, look at you blushing. I can see your chest moving erratically, just how fast is your heart beating right now?"

Little shit.

He's far too good at this.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Jungkook stop, this isn't funny anymore."

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now