Jungkook's Ending (4/6)

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I usually hated mornings but after the amazing night with Jungkook they were starting to grow on me, I wasn't entirely sure how long that would last but nevertheless I was content for the first time in months.

I hadn't opened my eyes yet, it wasn't time for me to start getting ready for work which meant I could enjoy the peace and quiet. I felt the sun kiss my exposed legs as they lay over the blanket, there was distant chatter coming from the kitchen which probably meant Joon was watching television or had company.

I could hear Jungkook's gentle breaths as he slept beside me, his arm over my stomach. I thought back to the previous night and couldn't help but blush, it was definitely a night to remember and Jungkook did everything possible to make me feel loved and desired. I was lost in these thoughts when suddenly I felt fingertips dance playfully over my stomach, the bed dipped to the side a little as Jungkook shifted position.

"Jungkook what are you doing?" I chuckled.

"I'm helping myself to breakfast." His husky morning voice made my heart race.

"Oh, what breakfast would that be?" I smirked.

"You're about to find out." I noticed the teasing lilt to his voice, gasping as I felt his lips place gentle kisses along my inner thigh.

"Jungkook my brother is home." I opened my eyes and chuckled, his head was completely covered by the blanket as he lay on his stomach between my legs.

"So....just don't make any noise."

I playfully squeezed my thighs together around his neck and he nibbled at my skin.

"Let me out of your vice grip woman! Let me enjoy my breakfast, I'm starving."

"Jungkook no....it's weird doing this when I know my brother is literally just down the hallway." I laughed as he huffed out his annoyance and poked his head out from under the blanket.

"I can't believe you're denying me my breakfast, you tease

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"I can't believe you're denying me my breakfast, you tease."

"I promise you'll get something even better later." I winked, laughing when he moved up my body and tickled the sides. "Hey...Jungkook....stop....I don't like it when my bits jiggle."

"Well, I happen to fucking adore your jiggly bits and in particular I love this." He started to squeeze and place kisses across the part of my body which constantly made me feel insecure.

"Not the muffin top! Stop it Jungkook." I squirmed underneath him and arched my back, laughing like an idiot.

"I love your muffin top, it's cute."

"It's certainly not cute." I furrowed my brow, scrunching up my nose.

"Well I disagree, it's adorable." He winked, kissing the tip of my nose.

"I'll make us breakfast and then we can spend the day together babygirl."

"What about work?" I cocked a brow, gently tracing along his jaw with my thumb.

"You're forgetting that I'm in charge for the next two weeks, that means I get you all to myself and today you're needed here in bed with me."

"Is that a request?" I chuckled as he playfully nipped at my thumb as it moved over his plump bottom lip.

"It's an order babygirl."

I didn't want to bring this up, especially after the incredible night we shared but in all honesty it needed to be done.

"Jungkook have you spoken to Jin?" I immediately noticed his face fall, guilt and other emotions similar to my own danced through his dark eyes.

"I spoke to him yesterday, he said that he was taking a couple of weeks away from work. I asked why but he said it wasn't his place to say, I told him that I was perfectly fine with running things and that I'm here if he needs me for anything. I told him that he's my brother, I love him and I've already forgiven him for what happened. I think he just needs time, when he's back we better be respectful towards him. I don't think we should be as touchy or affectionate with each other when we're around him until things have settled down more and he's back to his old self."

I gave a nod, totally agreeing with Jungkook on this matter. I was happy that the two were on speaking terms and that Jungkook had forgiven Jin for what happened, it just goes to show how much he'd grown up since returning from Tokyo.

"So what's next for us?" I asked him with a smile, brushing my fingers back through his unruly hair.

"Well....I like to think that we're official now. I want you to get a place with me, I think it's about time I move out of the house. Then we just take it from there, I also need to get started on that proper proposal you want from me." He winked, resting his chin on my bare stomach.

"That sounds perfect."

"I'm glad you agree babygirl, so what's this special surprise you have for me later then?" He waggled his brow playfully.

"You'll have to be patient won't you." I cocked a brow, teasing him with a quick kiss to his lips.

"You were amazing last night by the way, it was so hot when you swallowed all my little Jungkook juniors."

I almost burst out laughing but kept it contained by biting down hard on my bottom lip.

"Excuse me? Jungkook juniors?" I questioned, voice trembling from the desire to throw my head back and laugh.

"Yeah, you've never swallowed before and it was fucking hot...although...it's a shame that all the Jungkook juniors didn't get their chance to shine. I mean, the first one you swallowed could've been a doctor."

I couldn't stop myself, I threw my head back and laughed.

"You laugh now but think about what you've done! You swallowed our children, such a terrible mother already."

"Jungkook you're such an idiot." I was well aware he was messing around with me, our sense of humour was so similar that he always knew just what to say to make me laugh. "I could've spat them out, flushed them down the toilet."

He fake gasped and widened his eyes. "Jungkook junior isn't ready for water sports yet!"

I was crying, my stomach cramping up as the laughter refused to stop.

Today was going to be a good day.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now