Where It All Began

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Jungkook's POV

I finally sent Jin a message, after hours of sitting staring at my laptop screen debating if doing so was wise or not it was Y/N who convinced me to go with the latter.

It's crazy to think how far we've all come, from a silly game between three people to present day.

I still couldn't believe just how much my life had changed, I was going to get married soon and become a father.

It had been a long and emotionally draining past few months, when we started this game the three of us never expected it would go this far or that real emotion would get involved.

I certainly never expected to fall out with the one person who made my life a happier one, damn it was hard to be away from my brother but when push comes to shove we both probably needed that time apart to mature and decide what we wanted to do with our future.

I felt betrayed by his deception at the beginning but understood why, he just wanted his chance to be with the woman he cared for and love makes you do crazy things.

I left not just for my family but for myself, Y/N was important to me at the time of my departure and of course my heart was heavy for hurting her but it was something I  needed to do. I wanted to discover myself, find out where the hell my life was going. I should've handled it better, I should've at least stayed in touch with her as a friend but that would've been difficult for me. It would've taken just one sad sounding hello for me to pack my bags and return home, it was better to make a clean break and figure out my life.

It sounds selfish, it sounds like I didn't care for her but relationships like people aren't perfect. I was young, I didn't want to disappoint my family and my emotions were all over the place.

Y/N was my first serious relationship, was what I felt for her at that time love or lust? I needed time away to figure that out, I should've just been honest with her and explained all this but I was an idiot.

I wasn't too happy about Y/N leaving to spend the afternoon with my brother but didn't stop her from going, she cared for my brother and missed having him around. It was only fair she got the chance to clear the air with him and hopefully attempt to rebuild their friendship.

Y/N seemed much happier when she returned from their afternoon at the park, part of me wanted to ask what the two had discussed but that wasn't my place.

"Talk to him, he misses you too." She smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"He does?" I finished stirring the melted chocolate, adding milk and adjusting the heat.

Y/N had always loved hot chocolate but since falling pregnant she craved it and insisted on me making some as soon as she arrived home, there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her because my ass was totally whipped.

"Of course he does, the two of you need to talk and finally get everything out in the open. I feel so much better after spending time with him today, it feels like everything is falling into place and once you meet with him it'll make you feel ten times lighter."

I knew she was right, smoothing things over with my brother was the right thing to do but I was nervous. I didn't want to say something stupid, something that would just make things worse.

I chewed nervously on my bottom lip, going through the possible scenarios.

"Baby calm down, don't think so much about it. I was nervous too but there wasn't any reason to be, just relax and be honest with him" 

"You two are good then? You've decided to be friends?" I searched the cupboard for her favourite mug, the one she always loved having her hot chocolate in as it allowed for a ridiculous amount of cream.

"Yeah, we're going to see how things go but so far so good. I'm just happy he's back and that he's coming to the wedding."

"I'm not going to lose you right? Promise me babygirl, promise me that you're staying here with me." I gave up on my search for the mug, hands open and placed on the counter for support.

I smiled when she wrapped her arms around me, lips pressing gentle kisses to my back.

"Jungkook where did that come from?"

I slowly turned around, hands coming to rest over her swollen stomach before our eyes finally met.

"I know how everyone sees me, I'm the golden Jeon, the one who has everything. I got all the attention from my parents, I got everything handed to me and my poor brother had to be happy with living in my shadow. I hate that people think that, they always assume that I've never had to fight for anything....that I've never had to struggle. I don't think anyone ever stopped to ask me how I was doing, always assuming that my life was so perfect that someone like me couldn't possibly have doubts or concerns. Jin always felt like he was living in my shadow but the truth is.....I always felt like I was living in his. I looked up to him, I still do. I always asked myself....how can I be more like my brother. I love and respect him so much, I've always felt like I could never measure up to him. I messed up, walking away and hurting you like I did but I was so confused and I'll forever be sorry for hurting you." I placed a kiss on her forehead, smiling as she ran her fingers under my shirt and across bare skin.

"The three of us all made mistakes, I shouldn't have tried to make you jealous with Jin and after you left I shouldn't have jumped so quickly into a relationship with him. I don't regret my time with him because for the most part he made me happy but it was always you. I think deep down Jin knew that too, he was just hoping that if he kept you away long enough something more could develop between us but it never did. I tried to move on, I tried to love him in the way I love you but there was always something missing. I love you, I'm not going anywhere. Jin is my friend, that won't change so please don't think you're not good enough."

I couldn't believe how perfect she was, my life just wouldn't make sense without her.

"I don't deserve you." I moved closer, lips claiming her own with such fire and intensity that my knees grew weak.

I would meet with my brother tomorrow, in the very place where we started our twisted game but for now the only thing that mattered was the beautiful woman in my arms.

"Let me make love to you." I whispered, taking her hand.

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