Worldwide Handsome

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Edited 2/12/2020

Jin's POV

My little brother didn't know who he was messing with, the game was far from over.

The deal was to sleep together and it appeared for some strange reason Jungkook was taking his time with that, it wasn't like him.

I taught him everything but the two of us had very different styles when it came to approaching women, Jungkook was definitely more brazen.

I preferred to use romance and be more subtle in my approach whereas Jungkook used dominance and sex appeal.

In all honesty there was a part of me growing tired with all these games, I was the eldest sibling and knew eventually our family expected me to meet a nice respectable woman and settle down.

Jungkook was still young, he wasn't ready for commitment and definitely didn't have to worry about marriage anytime soon.

I guess you could say this should be my last game of seduction, win or lose after this was over it was probably time to grow up and get serious.

I was sitting behind my desk, it's been a week since the incident with Y/N and Jungkook.

I was well aware something was happening between them, they would steal glances at each other whenever possible and often disappeared only to reappear minutes later with swollen lips and messy hair.

I also knew Jungkook was taking his time in actually sleeping with her, I wanted to know why.

He never took this long.

Why didn't he just go for it?

If he wasn't careful my little brother would lose this golden opportunity, it was obvious Y/N wanted him.

It's good though, I'm happy that for some reason he's taking his time making a move.

It's my turn.

I knew exactly what to do, I was confident this little act would make Y/N consider her options.

I felt a smirk pull at my lips.

Time to see how it's done Jungkook.

I got to my feet, fingers finding the buttons of my shirt.

This little act was simple, my shirt sadly has a stain on it. I 'accidentally' spilt my coffee earlier, clumsy me.

I also made sure to message Y/N, asking her to bring me some lunch on her way back from break. I knew it wouldn't be long until she's here, I was nervous which was strange as no woman has really made me feel this way before.

I waited for around five minutes, my back facing the door. I didn't want Y/N to see everything immediately, I needed to do my slow turn to face her. Then of course the act wouldn't be complete without my signature smirk and famous last words before the shirt goes back on, I will then show her my soft side. I'll pretend to be a little nervous by what I've said, that always makes them go weak.

I snap back to reality when the door opens.

Naughty girl Y/N, you didn't even knock.

I turn my head a little but don't fully face her.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be here so quickly, I managed to drop coffee all over my shirt."

I chuckle, slowly turning to face her.

I immediately notice her eyes fall across my toned stomach, the blush rising to her cheeks.

I tilt my head and smirk, grabbing the fresh shirt from the back of my chair and puling it over my broad shoulders.

"Everything okay Y/N?"

I try to remain unfazed, like this wasn't done intentionally.

"Erm....sorry. I got your lunch, you wanted bagel cheese.....I mean a cheese bagel but they didn't have the seeded bagels you like so I got plain."

I held back my laugh, she kept trying to avoid my gaze but then seemed to scold herself whenever she looked at my abs. The poor woman didn't know where to look, I've never seen her this flustered.

I slowly buttoned my shirt up and gave her a small smile

"That's perfect Y/N, thanks for stopping to get my lunch."

I moved over, gently taking the bag as my fingers 'accidentally' brushed along the back of her hand.

"I'm absolutely ravenous."
I lowered my voice, lips almost brushing against her ear.

A feather like touch, enough to make her wonder what it's like to have more.

Enunciate the word ravenous, let her imagination run wild.

My dark eyes finally meet her own, I notice how they're half lidded.

Naughty girl thinking naughty thoughts.

"I'll let you get back to work."

I watch as she stumbles over to the door, I contain my amusement.

I wait until she's gone, until the door is closed before chuckling to myself.

And that Jungkook is how it's done.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now