Flashbacks & Confessions

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Four Months Ago ~

It was Sunday morning, and as per usual, Y/N couldn't be bothered to get out of bed. So instead, she rolled over to face the other side only to find it empty. She sighed, and flipped back onto her back, closing her eyes and trying to drift back into a nice warm sleep. Just as she felt her mind getting hazy, she could've sworn she heard the door close. Then, she felt a familiar and welcomed weight on her hips and pressure on her lips as she smiled and softly kissed back.

"Babe." She whispered, her body almost instantaneously wrapping itself around Jin.

"Y/N." He replied with a laugh. "I made breakfast. Pancakes with syrup." He mumbled, as she hummed and pulled him in for another kiss. She groaned and rolled her eyes at the prospect of getting up and sighed.

"Can't you bring breakfast to bed?" She grumbled, attempting to roll him off her, but nope. She was stuck. Not like she'd want to escape anyways. She was still in just her underwear and so was he, their bodies pressed together just as they were the night before. This evoked memories of tongues, teeth and a whole lot more. She felt her body react to the thoughts ever so slightly, and she hesitated for a second, zoning out a little because then there he was with his beautiful brown eyes half covered with that hair that she always loved running her fingers through, staring right into her own with such an expression that made her want to just bury her face into the pillow.

There was just an intensity of something that she couldn't quite put a finger on, burning in his eyes. Instead, she ducked down to nibble a bit on his neck and kiss him softly. He let out a soft grunt and rolled off her, bringing her down on top of him. She giggled and landed a little unceremoniously in his lap, the bulge in his pants and the position they were in a clear reminder of the night before. She heard him huff quietly at the pressure and watched him bite his lip just a little.

"Good morning, Mr Jeon." She quipped at him, a small smile playing at her lips. He huffed even more and folded his arms behind his head as if saying; 'Go ahead then. Do whatever you want.' She playfully grounded down onto his erection, earning herself a soft grunt from him.

"Good morning, Princess." He rumbles back, running a hand up her leg to snake around her waist. She leant down closer to his ear, their chests almost touching again,

"Do you remember last night Jin?" she purred out his name just the way he liked, grinding her pelvis against his manhood for emphasis. She heard him sharply suck in a sharp breath, as he does so often when she teases him the right way.

"Do you need me to jog your memory?" She asked, barely waiting for his answer, kissing and nipping down his neck, leaving a train track of light hickeys around the neck, light enough that they would probably disappear by tomorrow otherwise she was never going to hear the end of it because apparently, he 'cant wear his work shirt with hickeys around his neck like a chain. She heard that sharp intake of breath again and squealed when he grabbed her waist and flipped her over again. One of his hands keeping her still, while the other travelled south as he left his own trail of kisses down her neck and leaving his own hickeys in its wake.

"You're such a tease." He whispered lowly into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "Do you know what you do to me?" He practically growled into her ear as he ground on her lightly, his fingers finding the wetness that had begun pooling in between her legs. She gasped and thrashed weakly as she felt his fingers tease her core.

"Are you gonna show me Jin?" She breathed out, trailing her fingers down his abdomen and onto the bulge in his pants. She heard him suck in a breath again as she gently touched him from outside his briefs, skimming over what must've been the tip, because she heard him gasp and his eyes flutter close. Then, hooking her thumb into the waistband of his briefs.

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