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Edited 2/12/2020


I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, I shouldn't have let it go that far but the way Jungkook made me feel was so overwhelming that my body yet again betrayed me.

I was disappointed and slightly worried when he didn't show up for work this morning, I checked his office immediately upon arrival and whenever the elevator arrived on our floor and people stepped out my eyes would dart over to see if Jungkook was with them.

I couldn't focus, kept making stupid mistakes and stuttering like a fool whenever someone would approach me.

I felt my phone vibrate on the desk beside me, the relief instantaneous when my eyes fell across Jungkook's name.

I still haven't finished punishing you after that little stunt you pulled yesterday, get inside the elevator and ride it down.

My heart hammered against my chest, core already throbbing just from his text alone.

I quickly made my way to the elevator and hit the lobby button, the doors closed and with each floor down my body ached for him more and more.

What punishment did he have in store for me?

I reached the lobby, the doors opened and there stood Jungkook

"Hey Y/N, miss me?"

He cocked a brow, devilish smirk pulling at his full lips as he stepped inside the elevator.


I wasn't sure where my sudden honesty and confidence came from but Jungkook seemed to like it, his eyes darkened instantly.

"I've got the perfect punishment for you babygirl, that little stunt you pulled yesterday has been on my mind all night."

He hit the button to our floor, I was relieved it was only the two of us inside.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't help myself."

I widened my eyes, pouted my lips.

"Fuck, you little tease Y/N."

Jungkook growled as he approached me, he was about to speak again when the elevator stopped on the fourth floor.

"Damn...." Jungkook grumbled as several people stepped inside.

I was disappointed, whatever punishment Jungkook had for me would simply have to wait.

What the fuck!

I swallowed hard, eyes closing as Jungkook's fingertips gently danced along my skin.

"Did you really think having to share the elevator would stop me?" He whispered against my ear, fingertips gently massaging my clit.

Holy fucking shit.

I bit down hard on my bottom lip, the urge to moan was overwhelming.

Jungkook gently squeezed my clit which made me jolt, he chuckled as the woman standing in front of me turned around with a confused expression.

" Sorry, bad cramp in my leg." I flashed her my most charming smile, she simply cocked a brow before turning away from me.

" Y/N you're so fucking wet, it would be so easy to slide my finger inside your tight little pussy."

He whispered low enough for me to hear but loud enough to talk over the monotonous elevator music.

I whimpered, luckily only Jungkook caught it as he pushed his middle finger inside my pussy.

"I bet you'll take my cock like a good girl once I give it to you huh?" He continued to talk dirty, I've never felt so turned on in my life.

It was such a thrill, to know at any moment people could realize what was happening.

I felt my walls tighten around his finger, I was going to cum.

Jungkook senses my climax approaching, he curls his finger and I'm fucking spent.

My head falls across his shoulder, my teeth find the exposed skin along the curve of his neck and I bite down to muffle my moans as the elevator door opens and the people step out.

"Open your pretty little mouth." He demands, his voice raw and full of seduction.

I wait for the elevator to start moving again, relieved that we're finally alone.

"I said.....open....your.....mouth."

I allow my lips to part, eyes widening as he pushed his soaked finger into my mouth.

"Taste yourself babygirl." He moans, eyes half lidded as he watches me suck his finger.

"Fuck you're so sexy Y/N."

He grabs my chin and kisses me

He grabs my chin and kisses me

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"Now get to work." He gave my ass a hard slap and then stepped out of the elevator.

I was a total mess, I allowed my eyes to meet his and the look he gave was enough to make my core ache for him all over again.

I didn't know what the hell was happening between us and at this point didn't care, I didn't want a relationship nd something tells me he didn't either.

I was good with no strings attached.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now