Author Rant

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I've just read a comment which again has bothered me lol

This fan fiction is a Jungkook and Jin one, currently it's been Jungkook focused especially towards the end because it's focusing on Jungkook's ending for those that wanted Y/N to pick Jungkook.

Once Jungkook's ending is finished there will be a Jin ending, this will also contain lots of flashback chapters to their relationship and will also see lots more interaction between them.

I promised an ending for both from the beginning and I'll deliver on that promise.

I've got people complaining that it's all focused on Jungkook and well.....that's because it's his ending with Y/N for those that wanted to pick him.

Once his ending is done (there's only three more chapters of his left) I'll then focus on Jin and his ending.

Please be patient and please don't complain to me about Jungkook's ending, it's only fair I do an ending for him for those that wanted Y/N to pick him.

I have lots of different stories on this account and even though I'm not the best writer I try my absolute best to keep you guys happy and entertained.

All my stories are very important to me as are the characters, I spend lots of time writing for you guys when I'm not working so sometimes when I get comments moaning at me it can get frustrating especially when I'm trying to make everyone happy by doing two different endings for two different characters.

Just be patient, Jin's time is coming as soon as Jungkook's ending is finished.

I've got eleven different stories and even though my chapters are short it takes a long time for me to update a chapter, I have to read the last chapter to remind myself of where I left off and then also remind myself of what story it is I'm working on and the characters. Imagine working on eleven different chapters with lots of different characters to focus on lol it can be very time consuming.

Hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas 🎅 ❤❤           

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now