Well Played

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Edited 2/12/2020

Jin didn't knock, he simply walked inside Jungkook's room and leaned his shoulder against the frame.

Jungkook was working out, he usually did about an hour of exercise after coming home from the office.

"Oh, hey hyung. Y/N left?"

Jungkook turned to his brother, obviously proud of himself for that little stunt he pulled earlier.

Jin chuckled.

"Well played Jungkook, very well played."

Jungkook dropped down from the bar, his bare feet landing on the carpet.

"I don't know what you're talking about hyung."

"I didn't do anything, totally innocent."

Jin laughed, shaking his head.

"Of course, totally believable."

"So, how was the rest of your night?"

Jin tilted his head and smiled before responding.

"Well it was going great until you ruined it, we had some wine and talked. I got to know her a little better, made sushi and just as I was about to try my hand at seducing her you had to come along wearing nothing but a towel."

Jungkook held back a laugh, trying his best to remain straight faced.

"I took a shower, I came to see my brother and ask how he was. I totally forgot you had company, is that so hard to believe?"

Jin couldn't help but laugh and feel a sense of pride, he was the one to teach Jungkook the ways of seduction. The kid at times even did a better job of it, he cursed himself for being such a good teacher.

"Whatever you said to her upstairs messed everything up, she came down totally out of it. I attempted conversation and she did her best to be polite but whatever you did.....it worked. I suggested she go home and get some rest after we finished the food, poor woman didn't even put up a fight."

Jungkook chuckled, wetting his lips.

"I simply showed her to the bathroom."

Jin didn't seem convinced, he watched as Jungkook grabbed a chilled bottle of water from the mini fridge in his room before responding.

"I don't believe you."

Jungkook laughed, taking a sip and laying back against the soft sheets of his Queen sized bed.

"Believe whatever you want, I'll tell you this though. Y/N isn't looking for romance, that woman hasn't been laid in a long time. Y/N needs dominance, a man to make her forget the jerk who broke her heart by making her toes curl."

Jungkook winked to which Jin pulled a disgusted face.

"What makes you say that?"

Jungkook's eyes were full of mischief.

"I can tell her type, how she reacts to me. Her body betrays her, she wants to resist me because deep down she's a good girl but her urges and desires make it difficult. If a woman like Y/N hasn't been laid in so long, it's because someone broke her heart. I'm sorry to say brother but you've lost, when it comes to desire and dominance who does it better?"

Jin couldn't believe it, this little shit just played him.

Well played Jungkook

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now