Jungkook's Ending (5/6)

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Jungkook's POV

"You look gorgeous babygirl." I watched, completely enamored with the goddess standing before me.

I loved her, irrevocably.

I smiled, thinking back to the day we first met. I admit, she was just part of the game for me at first, a challenge to overcome yet the unexpected happened and I started to fall for her slowly and somewhat hesitantly. I was young though, young and extremely inexperienced when it came to serious commitment and so even though it was painful for us both Tokyo was good for me. I did a lot of thinking, gained experience and became the man she deserved. I wasn't sure what to expect upon my return, would my feelings still be the same for her or would everything change yet all my fears and doubts were cast aside when we met again. I never stopped loving here, I just kept falling.

"What are you thinking about baby?" Y/N asked, brow arched as concern filled her beautiful eyes. 

"I'm still falling, I'll always fall." I finished buttoning my shirt, rolling the sleeves to just underneath my elbows as her gaze turned quizzical. 

"Falling? What are you talking about?" I chuckled at her adorable confused expression, approaching to place a kiss on her forehead.

"For you babygirl, I'm still falling for you." I smirked as she blushed, gently brushing my thumb over her cheek.

"So sappy." She giggled but I could tell she loved it, my babygirl was practically glowing.

"I'll make us breakfast as you finish getting ready babygirl, sound good?"

"Sounds perfect."

I playfully spanked her delicious ass which made her squeak before leaving the bedroom with a huge smile on my face, my babygirl was going to be the death of me.

I decided to make pancakes, the traditional breakfast after making up with your goddess when the sight which greeted me in the kitchen made my blood turn icy cold.

"Hello Jungkook, never had the pleasure of meeting you before. I'm Namjoon, my friends call me Joon but as you're not my friend yet you can stick with Namjoon."

The tall imposing figure before me approached with caution, it felt like he was sizing me up. I wasn't sure why he frightened me so much, nobody usually had that effect on me but Namjoon was positively terrifying. 

"Hey, good to meet you. Y/N's adopted brother right?" I was happy my voice didn't betray me, it remained sturdy and strong.

"Yes, correct." He offered his hand, head cocked to the side with a slight smirk pulling at his lips.

"Y/N told me all about you, it's nice to finally meet you." I took his hand and inwardly cursed, damn this guy had a death grip.

"Likewise Jungkook....are you nervous by any chance?" He finally released my poor hand from his but remained close, he was definitely trying his best to intimadate me and so far was doing a damn good job.

"No of course not, why do you ask?" I moved passed him, approaching the fridge and gathering my ingredients for the breakfast I promised to make Y/N but the entire time could feel his eyes watching me.

"Your hand, it was very clammy Jungkook. I don't make you nervous do I?" I reluctantly lifted my head to meet his intense gaze, dropping the ingredients on the counter.

"Look....you don't trust me after what happened with your sister which is totally understandable." I placed my hands down on the counter, it was pretty obvious Namjoon didn't trust me after what happened and I didn't blame him for that.      

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