Jungkook's Ending ~ Six Months And Still Falling

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Jungkook's POV

Six Months Later

"Excuse me, do you need any assistance?"

I lowered the two clothing pieces and turned my attention to the older woman standing before me, she smiled causing her eyes to wrinkle in the corners and motioned to what I was holding in my hands.

"You've been staring at them for almost fifteen minutes, need some help on deciding which one to pick?"

I chuckled and felt my face heat up, why was I so hopeless when it came to stuff like this.

"Yeah, that would be great."  

"How far along is she?"

I couldn't help the huge smile that pulled at my lips, it was that big and stayed put for so long my cheeks started to ache.

"Four months, I know that isn't too far along but I wanted to surprise her with buying something. I was going to get a crib at first but there's so many, they all have different parts to them and age guidelines and then talk about getting the correct mattress." My eyes widened just at the mere thought of what I went through earlier trying to purchase a crib before deciding it was best that Y/N was there with me when it came to crib buying and high-tailing it out of the store.

"I'm guessing this is your first child?" The woman chuckled.

"That obvious huh?"

I smiled, recalling the day Y/N revealed she was pregnant. It wasn't exactly planned, eventually we both wanted kids but we hadn't decided when. I was shocked to say the least, Y/N was on the pill and so we assumed it was safe for me to not use a condom but then again these things are never 100% effective.

I still remember how nervous Y/N was, she expected me to not want this and freak out.

I think for a few seconds after she revealed the pregnancy my eyes glazed over, my heart might've skipped a few beats and I'm sure my pancakes threatened to come back up due to us only eating breakfast minutes before but then the happiness hit me. I was about to have a child with the woman I was crazy in love with, how was that a bad thing.

I remember how excited my parents were, we decided to tell them a couple of days after the first scan and of course we paid to have a copy of the scan for them to keep.

My mom cried as soon as she opened the envelope and even though my dad didn't cry it was clear to all of us he was deeply moved as his eyes filled with tears and as he hugged me he said....

"Well done my boy, I'm so proud."  

I swear his voice wavered for just a brief moment.

The following week we had a small gathering of close friends and family over to our place and announced the news to them, everyone was shocked as they knew we hadn't been planning this but they were happy for us regardless.

It was strange though, the only person who wasn't there....who I really wanted to share my happiness with was my brother.

Jin still hadn't returned, after finding out about my proposal to Y/N he gave full control of the Tokyo office to me and decided to help run the office in Shanghai. I spoke to him maybe one or twice a week, mostly we discussed work and on occasion he would tell me about his life in Shanghai and I would tell him about my life here but left out parts that included Y/N as I knew it was still difficult for him.

Y/N was devastated as Jin still hadn't reached out to contact her, I hated knowing she was so upset and even tried to convince my brother he should call and speak with her.

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