Jungkook's Punishment

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Jungkook entered his office a few minutes after Y/N, she wanted to ask if everything was okay with Jin but maybe now wasn't the best time.

He looked furious.

"Come here and bend over." Jungkook removed his tie, throwing it over the desk as he sat down.

What the hell?

Y/N wasn't sure which part of her felt her heart beat the strongest; her chest, the roaring in her ears, or the swelling tingling lips between her legs.

Y/N couldn't help balking.

Everything about a spanking was positive, except the actual spanking. It was going to hurt, and she was afraid of that.

Knowing a spanking was coming had an intriguing energy to it.

Submitting to one gave her a sense of lightness and freedom. The aftermath was the very best part.

"Now Y/N." Jungkook warned.

"OK." she whimpered. "Just give me a minute please."

"Come on over here now." Jungkook shook his head.

"Not hard okay?" Y/N winced and shuffled over to Jungkook.

"Bend over," Jungkook growled, taking her wrist and tugging her down across his lap. He tucked his fingers under the waistbands of her panties and skirt, and pulled both down in a quick maneuver.

"Jungkook.....please not too hard" Y/N gasped.

"I haven't even started yet?" Jungkook responded to the plea that sounded more like something that would come in the middle of a spanking than the usual defiant interchange that started one.

"OK! But I'm sorry, I didn't know it would upset you like this!" Y/N whispered. It was true, all this was confusing to her.

"I know." Jungkook's answer was matter of fact.

She breathed moments before the impact of the first smack. She gasped in shock, but there was no real pain, just a soft clap of hand on flesh. She felt his handprint on her ass as he raised and dropped his palm again on the same spot. This happened a few more times, the weight in the slap increasing each time until a sting ran through her butt cheek. At that point, she twitched and hissed, and he swapped across to the other cheek and repeated the process. Her arms shook from holding herself up and her breath came in pants between gasps and hisses as he used his hand to warm her behind.

And her cheeks were definitely warm, approaching hot. He wasn't being as gentle now. All his thwacks hit with the same intensity, and by the time she took the fifth in a row, she'd yelped from the intense sting of the impacts, and he'd move over to the other buttock. It was strange, but as the number of blows increased, the sting seemed to mellow into a constant glow that radiated through her pussy. She lost count of how many times he hit her. Tensed, she rode every blow, feeling the pool of warmth grow to encompass her whole arse.

In a few minutes Y/N was desperate for him to stop, in a many more minutes she was furious that he wouldn't stop, and in many, many more minutes she was completely resigned to it. And then it was over.

Jungkook then leaned over and whispered, lips brushing across the soft skin of her lobe.

"You're mine, I don't share what's mine."

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now