Jungkook's Ending ~ Our Spot (1/2)

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It would always be our spot, regardless of where she was in the world and who she loved this place would always belong to the two of us.

It doesn't hurt like before yet the pain is undoubtedly still present, it lingers on the periphery of my waking moments but doesn't cloud it like before and after the conversation with my father the rather somber mood that followed me around was shifting to something lighter.

Emotions can't be forced, love isn't something we can control no matter how badly we might wish it to be different.

The three of us knew exactly what was going to happen the moment we started to get involved and play our silly little game yet we didn't stop to think our decisions through and decide if it was even worth it, maybe if we did things could be different but there's no use dwelling on the what ifs as the damage was already done.

I decided today was the day, after months with no interaction we finally needed to meet and discuss the future of our friendship but most importantly we both needed to forgive and move on with our lives because nothing good would come from us avoiding each other.

I was tempted to call her but part of me still wasn't ready to hear her voice, my cowardice got the better of me so instead I sent a text message.


It's been a long time since we last spoke but I'm finally ready to see you again, please meet me at our spot.....I'm sure you remember where that is.


The question remained....would she remember?

The park where we first shared lunch together.

Where we enjoyed many dates together as a couple.

It was here I fell in love with her, now it would be the place we finally said goodbye to what we once had.

I just needed to let her go but letting go isn't an easy thing to do when it comes to matters of the heart but after the talk with my father something changed, I felt different in my approach to this situation and more confident in my future plans.

Life never works out the way you expect, it creates obstacles and throws curve balls and the only thing you can do is tackle them one difficult step at a time.

My father was the first step.

Y/N the second and Jungkook will be the third.

I knew that once each had been confronted my mood would shift and hopefully it'll be easier for me to move on with my life.


I was lost deep within my many thoughts, didn't even notice her approaching but that voice was unmistakable and it suddenly dawned on me how much I missed the sound of it.

"Y/N." I pushed myself up from the bench.

"Hey." My eyes fall over her swollen stomach, I can't deny the ache in my heart knowing that she was pregnant with my niece or nephew. It's messed up, I should be happy but there's a part of me that wishes it was mine.....I can't think this way, not anymore. I need to stop, she's with my brother for god sake.

I feel awkward, does she feel the same?

"Hey." I give a little wave, nervously shifting from one foot to the next.

"I would really like to give you a hug." Those same beautiful eyes that keep haunting my dreams are filled with so many conflicting emotions, I know the two of us have many things to say but that can wait.

"Come here princess." I whisper out and she doesn't even hesitate and once my arms wrap around her my mood lifts....I'm home.

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now