Min Yoongi

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Jin couldn't stop staring at the blue haired man sitting opposite him, the man who betrayed Y/N.

The man who didn't even try to say sorry for the pain he caused or offer an explanation for his actions, what kind of man would do such a thing?

Jin was well aware he wasn't perfect, he made mistakes and played silly games with Jungkook but he always made the women aware that a relationship wasn't something he wanted.

Jin was many things but he wasn't the type to cheat or leave someone without an explanation, honesty and loyalty was something Jin valued.

Y/N wasn't just his secretary, the two had become very good friends and he respected her which is why this meeting was proving to be extremely difficult for him.

Min Yoongi seemed like a decent guy, he was polite and very intelligent and seemed passionate about his love for music and the new business he was trying to build.

Jin knew he needed to remain professional, whatever happened between Y/N and Yoongi shouldn't interfere with their business deal yet whenever Yoongi spoke or glanced in his direction Jin felt this strong urge to punch him.

"I trust you explicitly to take over the media department of my company, whatever you feel will help spread a positive image for me would be greatly appreciated."

Yoongi had insisted meeting with Jin at his office, he wanted to meet the people who would be working on his contract and so far he was impressed.

Jin and Jungkook were both around his age and so he trusted they would know how to properly promote his company, he needed to focus on the music and production side of his business and knew he could trust Jin to take over the social media side of things.

"I'm glad you've got such faith in our company, we believe this partnership will be very fruitful for all involved."

Jin responded politely, jaw clenched as he tried to keep himself calm.

Jin only knew what Y/N had told him about their relationship and so couldn't jump to conclusions and immediately label Min Yoongi as a bad guy but still....he wanted to make the guy suffer just a little for how he hurt Y/N.

"I totally agree, would it be too much trouble to meet with the rest of the team? I would like to be close with them, I feel as though the best results will come from a good dynamic." Yoongi flashed his signature gummy smile and Jin struggled to see how such a genuinely nice guy could be such an idiot.

"Sure, I'll ask my secretary to gather everyone in the conference room."

"That sounds great! It would be nice to maybe say a few words, let them get to know me a little."

"Of course, that won't be a problem." Jin smiled yet beneath the smile he was incredibly nervous for Yoongi to see Y/N.

Jin decided to get this over and done with, don't make it too awkward and hopefully after everything will run smoothly.

"Y/N can you please come to my office?"

Yoongi felt his heart race as Jin spoke to his secretary over the phone, that name....it wasn't a name he heard often and was glad for that as it only reminded him of the biggest mistake he ever made.

The woman he loved.

The woman he betrayed.

The woman he lost.

Yoongi smiled as Jin finished the call, it couldn't be the same person.

Life wouldn't be that cruel....right?


I was well aware that Yoongi was currently having a meeting with Jin, I wanted so desperately to run away and not face him but needed to find the courage to finally do this and move on.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, why was this so difficult?

I tried to find the strength within me to open the door and face the man who ruined me but couldn't find it, I wasn't ready yet.

It was then Jungkook appeared beside me, that stupid smug grin on his face.

I wasn't in the mood for him or his games today, my mind occupied with Min Yoongi.

"Y/N? What's wrong with you?" I was surprised to hear such concern in his voice, the smug grin replaced with a soft smile.

"I'm okay Jungkook, just not feeling myself today." I forced a smile but he didn't buy it.

"Y/N, talk to me." I flinched when he took my hand and laced our fingers together, he never usually touched me so openly like this.

"Min Yoongi, he's...." I wasn't sure why but for some reason I found myself wanting to tell Jungkook everything, the truth about my relationship with Yoongi and what happened.

"He's what?" Jungkook rested a finger under my chin and lifted, his gentle dark eyes met my own and something happened.....the fear vanished and was replaced with the strength I needed.


Why did one look from Jungkook do that?

"He's my ex boyfriend, he hurt me....cheated."

I didn't tell Jungkook the entire truth, that myself and Yoongi had been engaged.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed, he seemed to be lost in thought before finally responding.

"Then he's an idiot, because any man would be lucky to call you his own. I don't know why he still has this hold over you, truth be told it's making me angry because the only man you need to concern yourself with right now is standing right in front of you."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his words, his lips forming that cheeky grin which made me weak.

"Y/N you're a strong, sexy, beautiful woman. I want you to walk inside that room with your head held high, show him how he's nothing to you. I need you to look at me right now and repeat my words, okay?"

I gave a nod, my eyes focused on his.

How come he always knows exactly what to say?

"That's my girl....now repeat....I'm strong." His eyes never left my own as he made me repeat each word.

"I'm strong." I couldn't help but smile as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sexy." He whispered, his hot breath dancing along my cheek as he ran his lips across and down to my neck.

"Jungkook I'm not saying that." I chuckled to which he tightened his grip on my waist.

"Say it....or I'll punish you." I nibbled on my bottom lip as he teased me.

"Fine....I'm sexy." I felt so ridiculous saying that but Jungkook rewarding me with a kiss to the neck made everything better.

"I'm beautiful." He moved back to once again allow our eyes to meet, for a moment I even forgot about Min Yoongi.

"I'm beautiful." I finished repeating the final words as he chuckled.

"Now get in there and show him what he's missing."

I gave a nod, placing a quick kiss on Jungkook's cheek before entering the room.

Jungkook's POV

I watched her walk inside the room, a part of me wanted to follow and make sure she was okay.

Why did I care?

Why did I feel jealous about her past with Yoongi?

Why was I angry that she hadn't told me about him?

Why did I want to kiss her....hold her and make her feel better.

Why did I say those things to her?

Desire ♡ Jungkook/Reader FF ♡ Completed ♡Where stories live. Discover now