Ch. Four

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A couple weeks passed and I haven't made any new friends at school. I do have other friends: K, Sunwoo, Danny, and Chansuk. I'm the least closest with Sunwoo and he's the nicest one to me! He's pretty mean to the other guys, though it is funny. I do want to get to know him more.

When school finished for the day, I made my way to Hanlim and the same group of girls everyday were walking too. They all still looked disgusted at me, whispering things about me. Little do they know that they're making fun of their wondeful oppa's little sister..
They started to walk faster to get there before me. Jihoon told me that if I beat them, he would buy me ice cream- the good kind. I started to walk a little faster than them. I'm pretty sure they noticed so they started jogging. I panicked! Do I sprint? I'm sure I'm faster than them, I played soccer and ran track back in America. Oh well, if it will get me there before them. I started to sprint. I didn't go that fast though, they are slow and unfit. I heard them all groan and whine as I sped past them. I turned the corner and saw Sunwoo with K, but no Jihoon. I ran up to Sunwoo and asked, "Where's Jihoon?!" They both looked at me surprised.
"He ran inside to use the restroom and because he was scared the group of girls would come first." K was the one who answered though.
"Did he not have faith in me??"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"Does he not know my athletic side?"
"You do sports?" Sunwoo asked.
"Yeah, soccer and track, why?"
"I played soccer in middle school."
"Cool, we should play one on one some day now WHERE'S JIHOON!"
As I said that, K's phone rang.
"Hello? Jihoon?"
"Is Riyae there?"
"Yes, she came here before the mob. They're still not here actually! You know, she's fast!"
"Yeah, whatever. So, I'm safe right?"
"Yeah, Riyae is getting impatient"
They hung up and Jihoon came out of the building.
"You're afraid of girls, Jihoon?" Sunwoo asked him.
"No, I just don't want little prissy girls to be near me!"
"You have to get use to that when you debut. Trust me, I'd know."
We all laughed and we all said our goodbyes.

I told Jihoon what happened and he was a little surpried. "You never told me."
"Yeah, I did that day when mom and dad forced you to talk to me!" It only took him a second. "Riiiiiight, you diiiid! Sorry, I forgot." We laughed it off and Jihoon rubbed the top of my head. I hate it when he does that but I like that I'm close with my brother.

Wish I was that close with Sunwoo.

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