Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"What score did you get?"
"You totally failed the exams, didn't you?"
"48 points?! Your moms gonna kill you!"

Everyone had finally received their exam scores and it's all anyone's talking about. Apparently, not many people did well this year.
"So?" Sewoon creeped up on me during our free time.
"So what?" I asked
"Your score! Did you at least pass?"
"I haven't looked at them yet..."
"Then what are you waiting for?!" He urged.
Sighing, not really expecting much, I flipped over the paper that had our overall score for each exam.
"No way.." Sewoon covered his mouth in disbelief.
I looked at him waiting for him to say something.
"You barely passed!"
My mouth slightly gaped open.

I've never been told "you barely passed"...

I didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed, but I smiled anyways.
"Better than failing." I chuckled.
Sewoon patted me on the back.
"Don't sweat it. You had a perfectly good reason why you didn't ace them but you'll do better next school year."
Hearing his comforting words did help me a lot, and I did have a good reason having entered the school year half-way and with a Korean vocabulary of a 8 year-old.

. . .

Today, the guys had planned to go to a karaoke bar as their last hang out before graduation.

Like always, I walked with my brother, Jihoon, to the location we were meeting at.
As we arrived, I saw Sewoon, Danny and his twin brother, Chansuk, standing in front of the karaoke building.
I stood next to Sewoon who was having an interesting conversation with Danny about his hair.
"So, when did you dye your hair dark blue?"
"A little over a year ago." Sewoon responded.
"And why exactly."
"Yeah, you never explained why you dyed your hair, Sewoon." I chimed in.
His face suddenly flushed in what I assumed was embarrassment.
"I..uh..kinda wanted to look like an idol." He said very shyly and quietly, almost like a mumble.
"What was that again?" Danny asked, despite having heard him clearly enough.
I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh.
"I had a small phase!"
Danny and I bursted out laughing.
"What are you guys laughing about?"
We stopped laughing when we heard a familiar voice we haven't heard in a long time.
"K!!" Chansuk yelled out.
I turned around to see Kangji accompanied by Sunwoo.
"I thought I'd surprise you guys and bring an old friend along." Sunwoo said.
We all walked up to Kangji and welcomed him with handshakes and bro hugs.
"It's been a while, man!"
"How's idol life treating you?"
"You've grown taller, haven't you?"

After I greeted Kangji, I walked up to Sunwoo.
"How'd you get him to come?"
"I just texted him and asked." He bluntly responded.
I chuckled. "Of course you did, Kim Sunwoo."
He smiled at me, though it looked more like a smirk.
"What's going on over here?" Suddenly, Kangji noticed Sunwoo and I standing together.
I froze. I forgot that he doesn't know about us yet.
"Oh riiight, you don't know about them yet!" Danny exclaimed.
A pleased and shocked look appeared on Kangji's face, and proceeded to look straight at me. "What did I tell you."
I just blushed in embarrassment.
"I know, I know, you don't have to rub it in."
Everyone began to laugh, even Sunwoo. I covered my face with my hands but soon began to laugh with the rest.

We made our way inside and rented a private room. Once we got in, we took our seats around the table in the middle: Jihoon sat next to Chansuk and Kangji, I obviously sat next to Sunwoo, and Sewoon sat with Danny at the other end of the booth. Chansuk was the first to look at the menu for food.
"We should order something." Kangji suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

While we waited for our orders to arrive, we began to discuss who wanted to go up first and sing.
Everyone pointed and suggested someone all at the same time but were also quick to defend themselves.
Though it brought lots of laughter, I knew I needed to intervene.
"Literally everyone in here sings for a job except Sewoon and I, why is there a need to negotiate?"
Danny chuckled. "Most of us are actually rappers but you do have a point."

Danny eventually decided to go first, and we all started clapping and singing along with him.
Kangji suddenly scooted closer to Sunwoo and I.
"So you guys are a thing now?" He began to ask.
"Yeah." Sunwoo replied confidently.
"Ok, ok, come you guys aren't really acting like one?"
Before we could answer, Chansuk butted in and replied for us.
"Since Sunwoo isn't technically allowed to date, they're dating in secret."
"Ahh, I see..." Kangji reacted. "Well," He leaned closer to us. "Everyone that knows is in this room and it's not like anyone's going to barge in..."
He isn't implying.....
"Just a little idea." He scooted back to his seat.
I looked at Sunwoo to see what he reaction was, but he just looked back at me.
As much as I want to do that, I don't think we should let it become a habit. It's not like we haven't held hands or anything before, but now that we can do it intentionally as a, I don't think we should force it.
Almost as if he read my mind, Sunwoo leaned in a whispered, "Let it just happen naturally."
Without overthinking it, I agreed and we continued to sing along and cheer.

Jihoon and Chansuk just finished they're song. We were about 40 minutes in out of the 1 hour we bought and neither Sunwoo and I have gone up and sung something.
It's not that I don't want to sing, everyone's just beating me to it.....
I tried to lie to myself.

"Do you want to go next?" Sunwoo asked me. "I'll just let someone go first."
He just looked at me with a straight face, clearly seeing past my excuse.
I just acted confused "What is it?"
"Are you afraid to sing?" He asked teasingly.
"Ah-pfft, no." I immediately turned away in hopes of hiding my obvious lie.
Sunwoo let's out a chuckle watching my antics.
"Do you want me to sing with you?"
My face turned red at the thought.
"Nonono, it's okay, you don't have to."
"Come on," Sunwoo reached for my hand and pulled me out of my seat. I began to panick as he took the microphones from Jihoon and Chansuk.
"Sunwoo, you really don't have to do this!"
The room went quiet as they saw Sunwoo choosing a song for us to sing.
Please don't embarrass yourself.
It seemed that Sunwoo chose a pretty popular song given the reaction of the guys when the unfamiliar tune began.
"Go Sunwoo and Riyae!" Kangji cheered and the others began to clap.
"Sunwoo, I don't know the lyrics!" I loudly whispered to him whilst panicking.
He just smiled at me and replied, "Just wait for my signal."
He began to sing. I looked at the screen and saw that the song was divided into parts for both of us to alternate, meaning I had a solo.
This isn't singing together!
As Sunwoo's part ended, he looked at me giving my que to start. The chorus began and we both sang together. I just stared at the words without much rhythm.
Don't lose focus.
I felt the chorus ending and began to sweat profusely; I knew my part was coming up.
Once the chorus ended, I took a deep breath and started singing. I just concentrated on the words and focused on finishing my part. I didn't care too much how I sounded, as long as I finished. I didn't hear any bizarre reactions from the others so I was satisfied.
Thank goodness I did it.
I continued my part with Sunwoo into the chorus. The song wasn't too hard to catch on so I sang more comfortably.
This isn't too bad...
I heard the music slow down so I assumed the song was about to end,
But more lyrics popped on the screen. The chorus was repeated but softer. Sunwoo turned to face me and began singing. We locked eyes and I could feel my heart pumping out of my chest. I was too busy panicking earlier that I didn't notice how amazing Sunwoo's voice sounds. Despite being a main rapper, he has a sweet voice of a natural. Stuck in a trance, I didn't realize I was now singing. My eyes still locked onto Sunwoo's, I continued. I could feel everyone staring but I didn't care. I knew in this moment that it was just Sunwoo and I.
The song ended and I snapped myself back into reality. Everyone clapped and whooped as we successfully finished out duet. I smiled at Sunwoo and he smiled back.
"Woww..." I turned to the audience as they gave their reactions.
"You're voice..."
"Who knew you could actually sing." Sewoon pointed out in a bit of shock. I looked at Sunwoo. "Yeah, I didn't know you could sing."
He chuckled at my comment.
I also chuckled but didn't know why he did.
He just looked at me with a smirk.
"What?" I asked.
"They're talking about you."
I look back at them and see all of them looking at me.
I turn to Sunwoo again, but he only grinned.

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