Chapter 10

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I just got out of class. It felt like i was in there forever. I was walking down the sidewalk with headphones in trying not to be recognized. 

I ran into someone. 

"Im sorr-" I stopped talking.

"Hannah sorry i didnt mean to run into you" Grayson said. He was wearing his duke athletic pants a black duke sweatshirt and  blake jacket. No lie he looked good. 

"Your fine" I said with a smile.

"Im sorry about uh you know the other day" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Its fine" I said about to walk away.

"Are we good?" He asked touching my arm.

"Sure" I pushed his hand off of me and kept walking. 

It started to snow harder so i stopped off at mcdonalds because why not. 

"Hey i found you" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Luke!" I squealed jumping up and grasping him.

"Man its really snowing out there" He said laughing as he sat down.

"You can tell me that twice" I said with a smile.

"You look shook up" he said.

"Man am i really that bad at hiding things?" I asked.

"Yes, now whats up?" He asked worriedly.

"I ran into Grayson, literally. He apologized and asked if we were good and all i could say was fine" I replied

"Oh sounds intense" He replied stealing one of my fries. 

"Hey get your own" I said giving him a dirty look. 

"Nah im good" He replied laughing.

"Shoot, im almost late for practice i gotta go see you later" I said grabbing my bag and running out. 

I got to the arena and set my bags down in the training room. Marvin avoided me and Grayson wasnt there yet, not surprising.

"Grayson drop and give me 20" Coach K said as Grayson walked in.

Gosh why does he always look so dang good. 

"Can you tape my ankles again" Grayson said hopping on the table.

"Its my job" I replied. 

"Wanna grab pizza? On me of course" He tated.

"Why not" I said. 

"Cool. Ill pick you up at 4?" 

"Sounds good" I said.

I went back to my place debating what to wear. 

I decided on black leggings and my  Yellow crop top with my black leather jacket. 

"Hey H" He said as i got into his car.

"Hi" I replied putting my phone in my pocket.

"I missed hanging out with you" He said breaking the silence.

"Me too" I said with a smile. He pulled into his place and we walked in. 

"So have you found a new guy?" He asked suddenly.

"Actually i think so" I said with a lowkey smile.

I hadnt told anyone about the guy i was talking too but let me tell you about him first:

Love and Basketball// Grayson AllenWhere stories live. Discover now