Chapter 38

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We lost the game last night  and i went up to the hospital to see Grayson. Thats where i woke up hearing the noises from the machines and seeing him watching tv. 

"Gray didnt you sleep?"  I asked looking to see it was only 6 in the morning.

"I cant, i have too much pain" He said. 

"Didnt they give you medicine?" I asked.

"It doesnt help much" 

"How long till you get out of here?" 

"As soon as 2 days or as long as 2 weeks, depends on if my wounds heal" He replied.

I walked over sitting in the chair next to his bed.

"You and Klay are all over the news" 

"What about us?" 

"They saw you two kiss in the tunnel last night" He looked at me and i looked down.


"Are you two together or?" He looked confused. 

"Grayson we arent dating, he likes me and im trying to figure out if i like him too"

"Oh" He replied.

"I gotta go home, practice is soon"

"Bye Hannah, thanks for coming" He said.

"See you later"

I got home and took a fast shower. I put on a warriors tank top and black shorts as i figured i would work out after practice was over.

I got to the arena and sat in my office. I placed my face in my hands sighing.

"You look like you are having an amazing day" I looked up to see Kevin talking to me.

"Totally" I replied getting up as he sat down on the trainers table. 

"Is your ankle feeling any better?" I asked as i moved it.

"A little i iced it like you said and tried to work on it a little" 

"Tell me if any of this hurts" I said as i twisted it. 

"That does" He said as i twisted it upwards. 

"Im gonna wrap ice around it so it stays facing upward and maybe that will help" I said as i did it. 

"Thanks" He replied walking out. 

"Hannah Banana" Klay smiled standing by the door.

"Mr. Thompson" I smiled back.

"You look slumped" He said walking in.

"Trust me i am" I replied laughing as i shut the door. 

He laughed.

"Have you seen the news?" I asked. 

"Yeah" He replied looking at me.

"Everyone thinks we are dating"

"Hannah i like you a lot you need to know that"

"Klay, i- i like you too, i just cant rush into things" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay, then we can take it slow" He replied.

"Fine" I said.

He smiled and walked out for practice. 

I decided to go to the weight lifting room and started doing squats and russian twists. I then walked into the arena as i turned on Logic singing and rapping every word as i ran drills and shot hoops. I then went back to running laps when someone ran behind me wrapping their arms around my waist. 

"Youre pretty fast" He said as i smiled hearing Klays voice. 

"Klay why are you still here?" I asked.

"Steph and i were working out and i heard you singing, nice choice of music by the way" He smirked.

"Steph is here?" I asked frantically.

"Yeah, but hes in your office waiting for you" 

"Then ill see you later" I smiled turning around.

"See you later Hannah" He smiled back.

I went up to the hospital to check on Grayson and found out huge news.

"Hannah i get to leave in an hour" He said with a smile and i hugged him.

"Are your parents coming to get you?" I asked.

"They went back home i was gonna stay in a hotel and call them" 

"Why dont you come with me to my place" I said.

"I dont want to put you out though" He said.

"No its fine" I said

Grayson and i got back to my place and i set up my pull out couch for him to sleep on. It was weird having him back in the same place with me after all hes done. But im older and i know what i want now. A consistent loyal guy and im not sure Grayson is that. 

"Thanks a lot for this Hannah" Grayson said looking at his phone.

"No problem" I replied bringing him a couple blankets. 

I heard my phone start to ring as it sat on the charger next to his.

He picked it up handing it to me.

"Whats up Klay?" I said answering it.

"Im sorry i cant tonight" 

"Yeah tomorrow" 

"Love you too bye Klay" I hung up the phone and threw it onto my bed.

"And you two arent together?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Grayson its really none of your business" 

"It is, cause i still love you Hannah" He replied looking at me.

"Grayson let me tell you something, I came here to get away from you. Away from the place that broke my heart several times, but somehow you are always there" I stated.

"Im sorry for all that" He said.

"Sometimes sorry doesnt cut it Allen, i got to get up early so goodnight" I walked into my room shutting the door. 

"Dont leave me like that" He said coming in.

"Leave you questioning things? You did that to me so why dont you see how it feels" 

"Hannah, what is wrong with you!?" He said loudly.

"You!" I yelled. "I cant get you out of my head, no matter who i meet no matter who i try and fall in love with it always brings me back to you and i cant anymore Grayson I cant live with that!!" 

"Then be with me" He said with an inch between us. 

"I-i dont know if i can do that either" I replied softly.

"You can" He said feeling the tension. "I love you" His lips crashed on to mine falling backwards.

I missed this. But can i go through it again?

Love and Basketball// Grayson AllenWhere stories live. Discover now